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From the author: The magic and extravaganza began exactly on December 21, 2012, when at 6 in the morning the bell rang on a broken cell phone, which had previously been lying in a desk drawer without charging for THREE YEARS!!! Coaching beyond Reality - it is possible. But, first things first. So: One day from the Time of Omnipotence 1) Yesterday afternoon, a new layer of Reality was revealed to me in meditation. The one that replaces the current one. Back in 1986, as a student at the Department of Theoretical Physics at Kazan State University, I discovered the law of evolution of the world and the inevitability of the transition to a new Reality. And now I have discovered a new aspect of it, fraught with great shocks, but also incredible opportunities. 2) Yesterday, late in the evening, I discovered new techniques for accessing the unconscious, allowing us to breathe dynamics into static techniques, for example, into the same well-known Silva method. And in addition - completely new quick techniques in coaching. 3) Yesterday after lunch, my close friend called me and said that in her blog she could not help but mention how she was getting coaching from me. She asked me to be sure to read her blog. Here's what she wrote there in particular (http://vk.com/kloel?w=wall5261550_3252%2Fall): "...I know that in professional and personal development I am inspired most of all by 4 people, Arnold Mindell - the founder of the procedural psychology Egor Danilovich Reznikov - founder of sound therapy; Irina Zingerman - procedural psychologist and shaman; and Dmitry Bogdanov - author of the “Matrix” training system, and not only that. And learning from these people is a priority for me and development through learning from them (although not. only with them) allows me to grow as a coach and psychologist-consultant. And recently, another person has been added to this small list of people - my close friend and excellent coach Igor Azarov. And what’s great is if you are a coach or a psychologist, you choose. , how to study. Let’s say I can’t stand institutes, officialdom and tedious lectures on the record. But I like to feel free and relaxed and I’ve already had enough of institute education - I have 2 honors degrees, I think this is even too much. I am currently undergoing my own personal coaching. Real, tough in places, but most importantly - bringing to greater awareness and expanding my inner boundaries. Here's how one of my sessions will go - tomorrow: In the morning, during Friday's pre-New Year's traffic jams, I go not to the crowded city center, but to a beautiful country house. I'm sailing on a boat across a river, over which a foggy haze hangs romantically in winter. In a calm, abundant, light-filled house, the owners brew delicious coffee, always with Baileys (or I brew it myself). I'm watching an amazing film - on the topic of my coaching. I apply this film like a filter to my life. I myself determine the tasks that need to be completed. I know that no one will give me a bad grade if the assignments are not completed. I myself can punish myself by not realizing my goals. And I choose to take responsibility for my life, I choose to make it interesting, happy and “tasty”, and it’s up to me to implement this))) The abundant Universe will not wake up with manna from heaven until we at least raise our heads up and ask it for it "And today was a magical night! Incredible in power, capturing the entire being, Divine sex - after which we simultaneously had divine dreams: She - like above a city with white beautiful houses in the heights there was a huge Buddha sitting in the lotus position. And He moved - he was alive. And from his presence, the figures of angels, who had previously been in the city between the houses, came to life, and took off, rushed upward. To me - how I met a creature with the appearance of a man with incredible luminous eyes and a piercing - not from this Reality - gaze, seeing through. He was sitting on a huge - two meters - stone. I walked past him when he looked at me, and we met with our eyes. “What do you see?”!