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From the author: Since the main source of income for most of us is the job where we spend most of our lives, it is very important to choose for yourself the most suitable conditions for everyday work, which depend on the type of employee you are. I promised to write about this in my previous article “4 money types. I keep my promise :-) Which job is right for you: creative work or service, your own business or a managerial position for hire? Let’s figure it out. First, I propose to consider three possible organization options everyday work and choose the one that you think suits you best. “Service” is regular hired work with a predetermined daily routine, usually in a work team and with a manager who not only assigns certain work, but also disciplines it. , controls and ultimately is responsible for the results of the work of the entire workforce and for its employees. Many people need such external disciplinary factors because they help them realize their best qualities, abilities and talents. The main income from this option of organizing their work. - this is a salary. “You are your own boss.” This is when the employee’s daily routine depends mainly on himself. He disciplines, motivates and controls himself. He chooses what and how he will do, and is fully responsible for the results of his own actions or inaction. These are various businessmen, freelancers, individual entrepreneurs, artists, writers... This also includes housewives (this is also work) “Hiring Manager”. This is something between the first and second options. On the one hand, the activities of a hiring manager are regulated, because he works at someone else’s enterprise or firm and must obey certain requirements. On the other hand, he has the opportunity to show himself, demonstrate his leadership abilities, and satisfy his ambitions. Which of these options are you choosing now? Which ones have you already tried? It's good if your choice is based on your real experience, that is, you tried all three options and chose the one that suits you best. But what if you don't have such experience? How not to make a mistake when choosing the right option for organizing your daily work? In this case, you need to proceed from WHAT is most important to you in your work. Try to realize this by taking part in the survey. What is most important to you in your work? You can choose 1 or 2 answer options.1. Favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, warm relationships with colleagues.2. The ability to do things your own way and be free to take initiative.3. Interesting activities, food for thought, various contacts and events.4. Confidence in the future, a calm, established rhythm of work.