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From the author: Internet - Counseling has been actively developing for several years. There are people who prefer this method of counseling to face-to-face meetings due not only to the lack of suitable consultants nearby, or to save travel time, or due to greater comfort while remaining on their own territory... My thoughts on some of the features of Internet - Counseling and personal characteristics of people who resort to Internet - Counseling It seems that the personal characteristics of a person who turns to Internet Skype help are the same as in the old days, when the telephone became widespread -1. This method of communication makes it possible to talk about something important, and at the same time remain in control of the communication situation. In the situation of a meeting in a specialist’s office, this is much more difficult, if not impossible. In the situation of a telephone or Skype (other Internet) connection, this is much easier, especially when the consultation is paid.2. The very reason for contacting in the case of distant contact may be simpler, easier than in the case of seeking an appointment with a specialist - although more often this relates more to a subjective experience than to an objective state of affairs.3. In the case of distant treatment, a person tends to consider himself a healthy person, looking for information, ideas, opinions, recommendations... in comparison with contacting a specialist, when he himself is required to recognize the role of the patient - in the case of contacting a doctor, or as a client in case of contacting psychologist, i.e. turning to a specialist in absentia, remotely, a person does not necessarily act from this role. Rather, he is simply interested - and this is a completely different role, which does not require admitting that he has a disorder or the presence of complex problems. It is more equal and it is more pleasant for the person. He asks for information, advice, reserving the right to decide whether or not to use this advice. Undoubtedly, specialists do not deprive the client of his rights even in the case of an in-person appeal, but they insist on following their recommendations. That is. communication with a distance method of communication is more informal, more equal and therefore more attractive. At the same time, we note that a Skype meeting already implies a number of differences - personalization, in comparison with the anonymity of a telephone contact. The same applies to a consultant - he needs to be selected from a variety, and this presupposes greater awareness, activity and selectivity of a person’s personality than in in case of contacting the "Trust Phone" service. Accordingly, in the case of such contact with video communication, the relationship is more realistic, the contact itself is more stable and develops in depth. Skype-Counseling is based on trust, based on understanding, free choice and contract, and is supported various factors (including the client’s activity and his monetary contribution). Based on considerations of these features of Internet Counseling, my characteristics of a schematic portrait of an Internet Skype counseling client are based. So, this person is: focused on a personalized presentation of himself and a realistic perception of the consultant; active, organized, purposeful, seeks solutions to problems, has a relatively developed consciousness; informed , makes a free choice according to a number of criteria, trusts, thinks soberly; is ready for dialogue, focused on cooperation, contractual relations, joint research of problem situations, conflicts, psychological phenomena, his own contribution, has an internal locus of control; understands the value of consulting, is ready to pay for the work of a consultant ;rather realistic, moderately critical, constructive, able to calculate resources, plan and act, develop and achieve; personally more stable, adequate, socially adapted, focused on expanding self-awareness and personal development; ready to explore not only areas of anxiety, but also its foundations , coping mechanisms and mechanisms of personality protection. Undoubtedly, Internet-Counseling is a more complex type of activity compared to face-to-face counseling,.