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How to get rid of fears? Fear, in fact, has a constructive function (to warn of danger), but at the same time fear causes many problems and often limits our actions and life in general. More Lao- Tzu said: “He who conquers others is strong, but he who conquers himself is powerful!” Remember yourself. There have probably been situations in your life when you managed to take a step forward towards your fear and overcome it? This is not a struggle, but rather its acceptance and passage through it, which allows you to transform the energy of fear into other feelings. We are all human and fear is a natural feeling for everyone, you should not deny it, avoid it, be embarrassed or fight it. Fear will not disappear forever, it is our instinctive feeling for survival. But fear can be translated into more constructive feelings: determination, courage, bravery, etc. Several ways to overcome fear. Any of these methods will help you take an important first step towards fear, after which it will be much easier to overcome it.1 - Finding a like-minded person and doing it together - acting as a team is always much easier. The support of a colleague or friend reduces the level of fear. And acting becomes no longer so scary. The only point is that it’s better to find someone who is more experienced than you. Otherwise, you will not have to overcome fear, but pull the person along with you. Imagine, not only are you afraid, but you also have to persuade others. This option may be suitable for a strong personality, but these are in the minority. 2 – Make a list of fears – fear of this or that for a long time leads a person into a state of fear, which forms a stable feeling of fear. This can happen when you repeat the same thoughts, when you repeat similar situations, etc. That is, a person continues to be afraid, but no longer understands the specific reason for this fear. When you write down all your fears on a piece of paper, you increase your awareness and begin to see the real reasons for your fear, and not the far-fetched ones.3 - Just do what happens - many try to bring everything to the ideal, and then act. This only increases the fear because you are used to procrastinating and continue to deceive yourself. You should not attach imaginary importance to events and people, exaggerate and embellish them. In addition, stop thinking through the consequences in your imagination and growing your fear to unimaginable proportions. Ask yourself a simple question: what is the worst thing that can happen? Then imagine this and understand that it is not fatal. Our imagination sometimes plays a joke, drawing the terrible consequences of something, but this is all far-fetched. When you consider it actually, the consequences are minimal and easily overcome. Always consider the actual options, look at the different ones, come up with your own, choose and act. Don’t think too much, it only creates uncertainty.4 – Develop a plan to overcome fear – as they say, measure 7 times and cut once. Achieving any goal begins with planning - a list of actions. Having a plan like this is like putting on armor that gives you confidence and therefore makes the thing you fear less scary. This works in all areas of life. Not only in achieving certain goals, but in everyday life. Start with minimal actions towards your fear.5 – Be aware – often fears arise from ignorance – someone somewhere heard something, and word spread. Or you started moving in a direction where you have not been before (some new activity, work, relationship, environment, etc.). Please check all information. If you want something, but your environment, family, friends draw you risks, dissuade you, tell you about one side of the coin. Always expand your boundaries of consciousness, find examples of what you want in reality. Find everything that is useful to you and moves you forward! 6 – You should start small – Not everything at once, but step by step. Are you afraid of heights? Start jumping into the water from 1 meter, then from 2 meters and then.