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In the introduction, I will repeat the methods of communication and the main methods of education in the family system: democratic, liberal and authoritarian. Briefly about each of the methods of communication. The democratic method is based on cooperation, mutual respect and mutual acceptance. All methods imply finding common ground in interests, alternate and dosed leadership, as a necessary condition for self-expression. In such a family system, each member clearly knows his role, but at the same time he has no desire to change responsibilities or shift them to other family members. Sharing these responsibilities is the wisest and most correct decision. And another main component of democracy is its situational transformation. That is, in various forced circumstances, all family members are interchangeable and united, there are no splits and personal boundaries are respected. The methods used in this model are conversations, joint activities, family rituals, hobbies, open questions, I-statements, choice, brainstorming, open voting and other methods. The liberal way of child-parent relations is, at first glance, complete connivance, and of all to all members of the family. But still, such a pure style is extremely rare. Usually in such a family system there is a narcissist who demands excessive privileges. In such a system, everyone can do everything and at the same time no one is responsible for anything. The authoritarian method - I will write about it in more detail to show the problems that can arise for all family members during important moments in life. In this style of communication, one or more relatives unite in an intense desire for power over others. This may be a desire to compensate for one’s own long-standing problems, or a desire to satisfy one’s suppressed needs, or a desire to increase self-esteem. In any case, in such a family system there is a strict hierarchy of the monopoly state. Laws are not discussed, rules work one way, punishments are strict and frequent, and possibly unfair. The path along which subordinates walk is not discussed and the scheme, the route is developed at the top, goes down, and precise execution of the nuances is required. Problems - infantilism and indecisiveness, a tendency to deviant behavior, the development of cunning and deceit, various types of self-harm in adult (or secret) life. This also includes problems with eating, choosing hobbies, and a partner in life) The authority of a significant figure in the family is a scourge not only of average families, but also a problem of wealthy, successful and wealthy families. A new family member in such systems is assessed like an X-ray in all components (appearance, charisma, mentality, inner strength). And in the case when the child’s partner turns out to be stronger and better than the “king,” he is squeezed out and completely destroyed, as an opponent claiming to overthrow the “monopoly.” Find conflicts and contradictions within yourself, contact us! I will gladly accept and analyze your situation. With you was psychologist Yakovenko Galina, who knows how to listen and hear not only words, but also feelings. Sign up for a consultationPhone, WhatsApp, Viber +7-927- 128-70-07