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When talking about emotions, boredom is usually the last thing people remember. Whereas she is a real scourge of successful people. Indeed, the experiences of a bored person are not very vivid, and the reason for them is what is called “not socially acceptable.” Boredom has not yet found a permanent place in the classification of emotions; some attribute it to unemotional states, others to negative emotions. Other researchers even deny it an independent place in the classification of emotions. Only writers and philosophers are relatively unanimous in considering boredom one of the greatest vices. In everyday life, we feel boredom as something unpleasant: “I’m suffering from boredom,” they say then. But let’s give a definition. Boredom is an emotion that occurs when the brain is not affected by significant stimuli and is deprived of the necessary stimulation. This is a state as if the air suddenly contains both oxygen and carbon dioxide, which we need for breathing. Therefore, no one can withstand boredom. Schopenhauer brilliantly noted: “humanity rushes between need and boredom.” And having barely escaped one, it immediately falls into another, and so on in a circle. For those who manage to avoid need, boredom lurks at every step. And then they begin to lose what they have received and fall into need again. Strictly speaking, this is the most effective recipe for combating boredom - major troubles. External stimuli become powerful and boredom disappears. After all, you need to somehow get out, get out of the situation. But how to live without getting into big trouble? Create them yourself! The result is a sort of controlled trouble. What is this? The simplest thing is to go to school and learn some new complex skill. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an intellectual or a motor skill. Study Chinese, master a complex dance or horse riding - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to change the situation. Create conditions in which you feel incompetent and are forced to use all your reserves to correct the situation. But what about positive stimuli? They also help relieve boredom, but, alas, not for long. That’s why we still need troubles and the negative emotions they cause, it’s like carbon dioxide in the air, it reminds us that it’s time to exhale. In society, it is generally accepted that boredom arises from the lack of external impressions and interesting people. But this is a misconception. The source of boredom is, first of all, internal emptiness, the absence of internal changes in a person, a stop in development. That's why we talk about the need to grow and develop. No matter how intense your emotional experiences are at the moment, you must understand that this is temporary. If an emotionally significant stimulus does not change either qualitatively or quantitatively, after some time it becomes neutral. A person gets used to anything: poverty, physical punishment, insults, etc. Getting used to stimuli that evoke positive emotions occurs even faster. It is because of the above that the main condition for happiness is constant development, self-improvement, and enrichment of one’s spiritual life. Big life goals that will make all these processes more focused and more satisfying. Before all this, boredom recedes.