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Psychological attitudes, along with values, orientations, needs, and character traits, are the leading elements of the socio-psychological structure of the individual. It is attitudes that determine how and in what form any human mental activity will unfold, since the concept of “attitude” is interpreted as “a state of readiness for subsequent action.” In other words, an attitude is a certain predisposition, a readiness to react in a certain way in a certain situation. An attitude is a mechanism that guides human behavior. They are unconditional in nature and act as instructions, requirements, orders for a certain action (A. Ellis). This means that a person’s behavior largely depends on the attitudes he has formed. The importance of attitudes in a person’s life cannot be underestimated, because the system of attitudes is how a person’s life unfolds in many ways. A person’s psychological attitudes, formed on the basis of cognitive distortions (systematic errors in thinking), can create significant limitations for him, since they act as a factor of patterned thinking and rigid behavior. Such irrational attitudes hinder the growth and development of the individual, and also make it difficult for a person to adapt to new, changed situations. life situations. Irrational attitudes that hinder the development of the individual. OBLIGATION The attitude of obligation manifests itself in three areas: in relation to oneself - “I must”; in relation to other people - “I am owed”; demands on the surrounding world. This attitude limits internal freedom and harms a person, because allows him to manipulate others and provokes conflict situations. Under the influence of the attitude of obligation, a person can form; a sense of guilt (remorse) - auto-aggression that occurs when a person’s behavior does not correspond with his ideas about himself and how he “should” be, and a heightened sense of justice - as a desire for one’s own ideas about what should coincide with the ideas of another individual, often leading to misunderstanding and conflicts. A person with an obligation attitude uses words and phrases in speech: must/must not, must/must not, must/must not, at all costs, necessarily, “there is no word I don’t want, there is a word - must” OVERGENERALIZATION The overgeneralization attitude manifests itself in the formulation of a general conclusion based on one or more life episodes/events. As a result, a person develops a generalized judgment about the entire set of events/phenomena/qualities, which extends to other, supposedly similar events/phenomena. For example: “all men need only one thing”, “there is deception everywhere”, “in our country it’s always like this.” To establish over-generalization, it is typical to use labels - ideas that were created once and do not change for a long time. Such a denial of the possibility of change for someone or something that “once happened” limits and deprives a person of the opportunity to see the true picture of what is happening, since the person immediately concludes “this is so!” and does not consider another way of responding to this particular situation. He simply transfers his experience from the past to the present, thereby blocking the “other” future. A person with the overgeneralization attitude uses words/phrases in speech: everything/always, no one/never, everything/nothing, nowhere/everywhere, forever, constantly. PERSONALIZATIONAttitude personalization is manifested in a person’s tendency to associate events exclusively with himself, even if there is no basis for such conclusions, and also to interpret most events as relating to himself personally. A person attributes any event, action to his own account: “everyone is looking at me”, “surely they are evaluating me now”, “as if they were talking about me, since they fell silent”, etc. As a result, a person develops a destructive form of introspection - self-examination . This constant focus on one's internal problems andavoiding an open solution to the issue does not lead to a change in the situation, but only aggravates it by “inventing” something that is not in reality. A person with a personalization mindset uses pronouns in speech - I, me, me, me, “because of me”, “ about me". CATASTROPHIZATIONThe attitude of catastrophization is characterized by a significant exaggeration of the negative nature of a phenomenon/event/situation. Simply an unpleasant event or situation is assessed by a person as something terrifying. The event that occurred is assessed as a “catastrophe and the end of the world” and the person feels that he cannot do anything, cannot change anything for the better. A person with a catastrophizing attitude “winds up” himself, imagining the most terrible consequences for himself. This is especially evident in situations of uncertainty and unknown results. For example, waiting for test results “this is terrible, I definitely have...”, preparing for an important meeting or date “they won’t like me, they won’t hire me”, making a mistake “I’ll definitely be fired”, “he/she will never forgive me” A person with with the installation of catastrophization, he uses words/phrases in speech: horror, nightmare, catastrophe, the end of the world, this is the end. PREDICTION OF A NEGATIVE FUTURE Prediction of a negative future is a tendency to believe one’s far-fetched and negative assumptions. A person becomes a “prophet” of his future, both verbally and through mental images - first he predicts failures for himself, then he does everything to realize them. Expecting something negative increases the chance of this negative “happening” a hundredfold and prevents the achievement of another, positive result. A person with this attitude uses words/phrases in speech: what if; “but maybe”, “what if.” EVALUATION An evaluative attitude is manifested in the evaluation not of individual qualities, traits of a person’s actions in a given situation, but of his personality as a whole. Often, an assessment is made on the basis of personal assessment criteria. A person with an evaluative attitude uses words/phrases in speech: right/wrong, accepted/not accepted, good/bad, stupid/smart, worthless, useless, hopeless. MAXIMALISM An attitude of maximalism is characterized by choosing for oneself and/or other people of the highest possible standards (even if they are very difficult to achieve or someone is unable to achieve them). A person uses these high standards as a standard for determining phenomena, actions or personal values. The thinking of a person with this attitude is characterized by an “all or nothing” position! Such excessively high standards often raise doubts about the quality of performance and lead to a significant decrease in satisfaction with the results. A person with a maximalist attitude uses words/phrases in speech: to the maximum, best of all, only excellent/five, “one hundred percent.” DICHOTOMIC THINKING The attitude of dichotomous thinking (translated from Greek as “cut into two parts”) is a tendency to think in extremes. This attitude is characterized by so-called “black and white” thinking – the tendency to identify only two opposing categories in life experience. For example: dividing people into “bad” and “good”, “saints” and “sinners”, highlighting “good” and “evil”, wanting “all or nothing”, “if you didn’t win, then you lost.” Thus, A person with a dichotomous thinking attitude is characterized by harsh confrontation and polarity of options. He perceives everything that happens in the world in a contrasting form, where there are no shades, transitions, halftones, a variety of options, compromises. His speech often uses words/phrases: either... - or... (“either yes or no”, “either pan or bust”), or – or... (“either won or lost”). These irrational attitudes can serve a source of stress, and therefore be the underlying cause of many psychological problems, personal and interpersonal conflicts, inadequate emotional states and create general dissatisfaction with life. In order to improve the quality of your life and self-realization, it is important to identify irrational attitudes and correct thinking errors. If +380931952825