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From the author: Published on 08/02/12 on the blog “A Woman and Her Man” Treason. We are afraid of this word. What are the words? We are even more afraid of the fact of betrayal. Cheating is always pain and disappointment for the one who was cheated on. It’s even more offensive when you are blamed for what happened. You can often hear from experts: “Only the wife is to blame for her husband’s betrayal.” Sounds like a sentence. Almost convincing, but not correct. Of course, there are times when a woman behind her routine becomes uninteresting to her man. And then he is drawn to exploits. And yet the reasons are different. Both objective and non-objective. One of the very important reasons may be the initially wrong choice of a partner. When a man and woman are not the right type. I will not object to the fact that it is almost impossible to find a person who will be completely suitable in everything. But a significant reason for dissatisfaction with each other is that we often look for similarities in a partner, forgetting that he is different. And we do nothing to satisfy this dissimilarity. If we do not feed the other’s dissimilarity with anything (understanding, support in the implementation of this dissimilarity), he will try to satisfy what is missing elsewhere. If you are hungry, you will always find somewhere to eat. Another reason that many are skeptical about. Although in fact, only through knowledge, understanding and acceptance of this information can many scandals and conflicts in a couple be avoided. You can achieve understanding and forgive. But first, this random find surprised me and gave me the idea to write an article about treason. The Coolidge effect. The term comes from an old joke that President Calvin Coolidge and his wife visited a chicken farm. During the visit, Mrs. Coolidge asked the farmer how the farm was able to produce so many fertile eggs with so few roosters. The farmer proudly explained that his roosters perform their duties dozens of times a day. “Perhaps you should tell Mr. Coolidge that,” the First Lady quipped. The President, hearing the remark, asked the farmer, “Each rooster serves one every time.” and the same chicken?” “No,” replied the farmer, “for every rooster there are many hens.” “Perhaps you should tell Mrs. Coolidge about this,” replied the President. Hundreds of experiments have been carried out on this subject with various types of animals. Here is an example. Experiments with rats were carried out as follows: a male was placed in a large closed box with several females. He immediately began to mate with everyone until he was completely exhausted. Despite the fact that the females showed their activity, he no longer responded to their advances. But!!! When a new female was placed in the box, he perked up and found the strength to mate with the new female. Thus, the Coolidge effect is when the sexual activity exhibited by a man (or any male mammal) towards the “new female” is many times greater higher than the activity that he shows in relation to his previous partner. It has also been noted that after a man (or a male mammal) has sexual intercourse with a “new female”, his sexual activity in relation to the “old” increases significantly. Now he perceives her as someone else!!! Why does this happen? The fact is that no matter what we say or think about it, people are still controlled by ancient instincts. The ancient innate (pack) programs have not gone away. They still exist and are recorded at the genetic level. This is confirmed by research by scientists in the field of ethology. All this was written in detail by the ethologist A. Protopopov. In addition to the old instinctive programs, man, in the process of evolution, became the owner of acquired new modern programs, dictated by the modern way of life, society, and technical progress. These programs exist and work in parallel with innate ones and conflict with each other. Innate programs control human behavior, influencing him with the help of unconscious states.