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Learning how to give and receive correctly is a great art. Male and female... receiving and giving... Everything in our Universe is subject to the law of duality... male and female, receiving and giving, black and white, good and bad... Where the first begins and where it ends, turning into its opposite is a question that has no answer. It is very important to find the line, the so-called balance between giving and receiving. Of course, if we talk about the ideal ability for love, about unconditional love in its pure form , when the more you give, mind you, you sincerely give, truly, truly expecting nothing in return, the more it becomes inside, then it is inappropriate to talk about the balance of giving and receiving... Although, of course, the more we sincerely give, the more we and we will receive. But I think there is a small catch here. How many of us are really capable of giving sincerely and truly? In the ideal manifestation of love, in its pure form, joy comes already when you give and giving with love, you are unlikely to be empty. By doing something pleasant to your loved ones, you yourself receive from this pleasure. Such love is possible only when the internal source of love is open and a person feeds on his own source. In this case, we do not depend on the love and attention of other people. Of course, we must strive for this, this is the goal of spirituality development... But, unfortunately, in reality there are only a few such people. Most of us live in a mode of love deficiency. Not only do they live, but they were also born in this same regime and spent their entire childhood in a lack of love and attention. Therefore, the thoughts that I present in this article relate to our reality, when, in fact, we are all in a deficit of love, in one form or another. to a different degree. Therefore, a woman must be able to distribute her abilities to give and receive. Do you know what the surest sign that a person has an imbalance of energy is depression, excess weight, depressed mood, fatigue, illness. All these signs indicate that a person gives off its energy, but does not replenish its reserve. Internal sources of energy are not open, and replenishment does not occur from outside. Feminine energy by its nature is aimed at giving through care, order, assistance, emotional support, through expressions of love and appreciation. A woman by nature tends to care for others more than others care about her - this is her nature and nature, but we we have now become very distant from nature and are not trying to get closer to it. Many do not know how to draw energy from space, do not know how to contact nature, there is no connection not with themselves, not with nature. Therefore, there is not enough energy if the people around us do not return it to us. If we return to the female ability to take care of others in conditions of shortage , then a woman, caring and giving her strength to loved ones - children, a man, without receiving energy back from them, soon begins to feel tired and dissatisfied. She does not feel the return from others, does not see gratitude, a good attitude towards her, does not feel that her efforts are valued by the people around her. And if, instead of gratitude, she encounters a rude and disrespectful attitude, then her energy field, her internal energy balance suffers greatly. If a woman always gives more than she receives, then this leads to fatigue, illness and depression, as compensation for lost and unreplenished energy. Do you want to know what happens to your energy in a relationship? Sign up for my Free online webinar: Who am I and what am I like with a man. A woman needs to understand and feel the balance between giving and receiving. She needs to find the line in herself when these two components of a single process - giving and receiving - will be balanced. Many women are so They are used to giving, but they are completely incapable of receiving. When someone does something for them, they immediately want to give more, to thank them. If they cannot do this, they feel awkward. If a capable man appears in their lifeto give, then they are not ready to accept his money, gifts, care for her, although in their souls they dream about this. How are these abilities - to receive and give - born? The ability to accept and receive is given by the father to his daughter if the girl has had good relationship with her father, he pampered her, treated her with love and admiration, then the girl will not experience difficulties in accepting love, tenderness and care. Through the father's attitude towards the girl, care, love, indulgence of her desires, within reason, of course, the girl learns to accept love, learns how to allow herself to be loved by a man. Also in this ability to accept, an important role is played by the attitude of the husband, her father, towards his wife and how her mother receives signs of his attention from her father and not only from him. How does her mother develop the ability to accept? If a mother teaches a girl in childhood that nothing comes for nothing, you have to pay for everything in life, then in this case, of course, it will be difficult for a woman to accept. Very often, when a husband gives his wife expensive gifts, Instead of delight and a heartfelt word: “Thank you,” she begins to say: Well, why did you spend the money? Why did you buy flowers, they will soon wither? This money could be spent with great benefit. This means one thing: a woman does not know how to accept and does not know how to be grateful. If a girl sees such an example, then in the future she will copy the same model of behavior. The girl’s father should be generous and giving, attentive, kind and gentle towards his daughter and wife, he must love the mother of his princess, and treat her like a queen, and idolize her. Only in this way will the girl develop the right attitude towards what a man will give and give her. She won't be embarrassed, won't feel unworthy, won't feel obligated to repay right away. She will perceive signs of attention and subsequent courtship as what she deserves. It is also important to be grateful, and not take everything for granted and for granted, confusing this with the fact that she deserves better. Gratitude is already the ability to give. For some reason, many women believe that they need to give something specific - care, actions and completely forget about simple human emotions. Sometimes eyes shining with joy will be a much greater return than a cooked dinner. Sincerely and joyfully thanking is also giving. The ability to give is born through self-love and self-acceptance. A woman is endowed with this ability by her mother. From her mother, a girl learns to accept her feminine role, learns to love herself. Through her mother’s attitude towards her, through her father’s attitude towards his wife, the girl develops an idea of ​​a Woman. She will either love, be proud to be a Woman, or will be ashamed and embarrassed of herself and her body. If a woman is initially filled with self-love, she accepts and loves herself unconditionally, then she will be able to love other people, she will have enough love inside her so that she can share it. Through unconditional acceptance by the mother, the girl is born with the ability to give. Only a person filled with love from within will be capable of true giving. And if not, then everything else is a surrogate - “Being good” does not at all mean being able to give. Cooking dinner with love or cooking because it’s necessary, a duty that your mother taught you, is it really the same thing? Decorate a plate, table beautifully, or throw away a tired one: Dinner on the stove... Is it the same thing? Everything that is done with love is very different from responsibilities and marital duty. This is how, in the close intertwining of masculine and feminine, the future woman’s ability to give love and receive it is born. How is this ability formed in a boy? For a boy, deep acceptance of himself and his masculine nature is born through his relationship with his father and his mother’s attitude towards a man. If the father is always dissatisfied with his son because of his complexes, criticizes him and sends him the message that his son is not good enough, then in the future this man will have problems with giving, he will be unable to give,believing in the depths of your soul that you are not good enough. With this position, he will only strive to receive evidence that he is good. Because of the fear of failure, he will avoid relationships where his giving is needed or will strive to be parasitic in relationships, only to receive, without having the opportunity and ability to give, he will not will be successful at work. Due to my work, I very often encounter a situation - a mother dotes on her son, treats him with love, and he feels accepted and perceives his masculine nature... Everything would be fine... if only his mother treated his father in exactly the same way. A father who is treated poorly by his wife is already “flawed” in the eyes of his son. No matter how well the mother treats her son, he will have a “flawed” image of a man inside himself. He will not be able to accept with love and pride his masculine nature. With such upbringing, the boy receives a double message - his mother loves and accepts him, but she does not accept, does not respect the adult man in her life, her partner. In this case, the boy may develop the attitude that a woman’s love can be received by remaining an obedient child. Such men in the future can build their relationships according to the “mother-son” type, remaining infantile and unable to bear responsibility for a woman and family. If his mother has an internal conflict with men, then this already lays the groundwork for a conflict in the boy with his inner masculine part, which disrupts the development of the ability to give. Such a man in life will be configured only to receive, he will not be able to give in relationships, give care, material support, give his feelings and bear responsibility. His internal sensor will be configured only to receiving, and accordingly such men do not achieve success. Everything in the Universe is subject to the law of duality, all phenomena have their opposite. The masculine and feminine principles contain both abilities to give and receive. The masculine principle gives its energy through its enthusiasm and passion, through determination and assertiveness, through actions and activities. If a man is passionate about business and absorbed in it, he will be successful and will be able to provide for his family financially. But he definitely needs to receive energy from a woman through her love, care, respect for him. But if suddenly such a man is alone, without women, then respect from others and his recognition for his activities will be enough for him to maintain a normal energy balance, but his heart and soul will be closed, joy in his home will be a rare guest, and happiness will not show up at all. And so a man gives energy through enthusiasm and passion; for balance, respect for his merits is enough, that is, through respect he receives energy. If a man makes efforts to achieve a goal, but does not achieve recognition and respect, he is an unhappy man, he loses his masculine energy. A woman usually gives her energy through caring for a man, through her emotions for him, through her passion for him. If a woman does not receive material return from a man, does not feel care for herself, respect, then she will destroy herself on the subtle plane. In relationships, women nature is initially designed to give back. When in love, a woman gives her energy through her physical passion, tries to take care of the man in everything and, of course, does not skimp on emotions. If a man is not capable of giving, then the woman will soon become exhausted. Why was it previously forbidden for prostitutes to kiss clients, because a kiss is the road to the heart. If a prostitute falls in love, then she will begin to give her emotions to the man and will lose her energy, in this case the man will need to marry her in order to restore balance, starting to take care of her as his wife. And in such a relationship - body, money - oddly enough, the energy balance is in balance. And many women who do not belong to the category of prostitutes do not have a normal energy balance. And why? Because they give more than they receive, without seeing either money orcare, no careful and tender attitude, not even basic human gratitude. And this attitude towards them does not stop them from spending grains of their energy. They still, overcoming fatigue, continue to care and love... Parents of the same sex give us self-love. mother, through the mother’s acceptance of her feminine role, through the father’s love for the mother, love for oneself and for one’s sex is born, the ability to love and give is born. In a boy, through the father, through the father’s acceptance of his male role, through the mother’s love for the father, self-love is born and the ability to give - love, care, money. The ability to accept love and care is given to us by parents of the opposite sex. Through the father, his generosity and attention to his daughter and his wife, the girl is born the ability to receive and accept love. Through the mother, her love and acceptance , a boy is born with the ability to receive and accept. The deepest conflict in girls happens with their mother, I think this moment is the most common problem for women. Women give love and care without having self-love!!! This is why the energy balance is disrupted, so you always have to keep track of who gave how much to whom and how much they received. Relationships now for many couples are built on the principle: “You give me, I give you”! It’s a bad principle, but it’s better than: “I give you all the time, and then I get sick”!!! At least in the first one the principle of justice is observed. At the very beginning of this article we started talking about: How to give and receive correctly? As you already understand, if a woman has an internal conflict with her father, then she will have problems with receiving. A conflict with her mother gives rise to problems with giving. Remember, giving “just like that” or in the hope of receiving love are two different things. The inner world of many women is more inclined to give, in the hope of receiving love, as a result of which a woman, being in a permanent relationship, begins to feel tired and irritated. It is very important for a woman establish a balance between giving and receiving. Establish clear boundaries where her care for others begins and where it ends, and care for herself begins, or vice versa. By establishing clear boundaries and a clear understanding of how and what a woman wants, peace comes into her inner world and order. If a man doesn’t give you what you need and you feel like you’re losing your energy. There are several options: 1. Engage in your spiritual development and in a few years you will discover your inner, own source of love.2. If you stop giving away your energy in relationships, then at least you will save yourself from the latest losses and find a business where you can get the necessary return.3. Find a man with whom you will feel a balance in the exchange of energies and the Principle of Justice will be respected. Women, as a rule, are afraid to set boundaries, thereby afraid of disrupting the existing order or upsetting a man, losing him. Women are afraid to express their desires. The paradox in relationships lies in that as soon as a woman stops giving too much in a relationship, begins to understand her importance, to feel respect for herself, a man with such a woman begins to give more himself. The man’s task is to respect these boundaries set by the woman and observe them. Then the woman will not have fatigue accumulates, she will not feel used, misunderstood and unhappy. A woman needs to get out of her head the illusion that a man is able to take care of her, is able to understand a woman’s contribution to the relationship and at the same time appreciate all this and be grateful. A man perceives all this for granted, he doesn’t care that an emotional explosion awaits him later with reproaches for his indifference and lack of understanding. Remember - any relationship is a two-way street. Reconsider your positions in giving and receiving. Draw the right conclusions and bring harmony to the balance receiving and giving. My FREE webinar will help you understand what is happening with your energy in relationships: Who am I and what am I like with a man. Peace, love and prosperity to you. With love,