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Take a comfortable position, lying or sitting. Feel your body from the tips of your toes to the ends of your hair. Feel the space around you. Relax your muscles, breathe calmly, focus on my voice. Feel how your body is adjacent to the support on which you are sitting or lying and control only yourself, your body. All worries, deeds and sounds fade into the background. Peace, pleasant relaxation, takes over the body. …Fine. And now I will ask you to feel how your body and your mind calm down and relax. The body calmed down and relaxed...very well. All muscles relax, you feel the muscles relax... Every muscle in the body calms down and relaxes. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, inhale…..through your nose and out through your mouth….wonderful. And now I will ask you to think about confidence. What is your confidence, if it came in color, what color would it be? Think about it. Confidence is a quality that allows us to believe in ourselves, make decisions and achieve our goals. She is the key to success and happiness. Please imagine in your mind a place where you feel confident and strong. This could be anywhere - on the top of a mountain, on the beach, in the forest, or even in your room. I don’t know where exactly you are now in your imagination, but your unconscious knows which picture to show you. Feel the atmosphere of this place, remember its smells, sounds and colors. Now imagine yourself in this place, full of confidence and strength. Visualize your body filled with energy and light. Feel how this energy penetrates every cell of your body, making it strong, confident and healthy. Allow yourself to feel the confidence that comes from your inner core, your inner core. Imagine that you have all the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve your goals. Feel how your confidence grows with every inhalation and exhalation, how you are filled with the color of your confidence, every atom, every cell of your body is filled, soaked in the color of confidence... good. Let me draw your attention to your thoughts. Let go of any doubts and fears that may be hindering your confidence. Let them go like clouds dissipating in the sky. Dispel them, replace them with positive statements about yourself. Tell yourself: "I am confident in myself. I am capable of achieving any goals I set for myself." Allow these statements to sink into your consciousness and become part of your internal dialogue. Repeat them to yourself every day to strengthen your self-confidence. And now, you feel how your strength is restored, the rest has refreshed you, your head is clear, light, pleasant vigor throughout your body. You are charged with energy, a desire for activity, you are deeply and fully rested. In a minute, I will ask you to open your eyes, and you will feel cheerful, rested, strength flows to your arms and legs, your consciousness becomes clearer, you want to stretch......okay, take a deep breath, smile, smile, smile! How joyful my soul is, how good. Gradually open your eyes and return to reality, but maintain a feeling of confidence and strength within yourself. Remember that confidence is something that can be developed and strengthened. Practice this meditation regularly to become increasingly confident and successful in your life. You are capable of more, my dear friend. Build your confidence and go for your dreams. Good luck!