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From the author: I am not a marketer, but a practicing psychologist. Author of programs for colleagues “Modern Psychologist on the Internet”Have you ever talked to yourself in the mirror? How long? I saw myself, I talked to myself. This is how my career as a webinar presenter began. Yes, everything was simple before. Seminar. People came. The presenter has arrived. Everyone got what they came for. Eyes, hands, voice, questions and answers. Today? The presenter has arrived. Left to myself. The participants arrived. We saw a window with a talking man. The Internet has changed my life. I'll start from the beginning. No, I will not describe the times when people sat in the library for days and copied volumes of information by hand. I’ll start with how I started writing custom works at the University. I didn't have a computer. It was "horror - horror." I wrote abstracts by hand. I corrected it and forwarded it. I inserted checkboxes. Then he took it to the woman who was typing. With all yours: “and after that, go to page five, then the text from the book, page 284, then my text, page 8.” Horror, horror. But one day on the train I met a woman who voiced a brilliant idea: - You need a computer. It's comfortable. Definitely, the computer changed my “horror - horror” into comfort and free time. Further step by step. A period of free exploration of any information on the Internet. Then consultation by mail and chat. I somehow missed ICQ. Skype right away. Consulting via Skype is interesting. You don't have to leave the house. Then I mastered virtual money. All this changed my life. Well, and the last thing that completely changed her: I was invited to conduct webinars. If you have decided to become a webinar presenter, congratulations. This is cool. And I’m ready to share my impressions and advice. I won’t talk about technical equipment – ​​headphones, internet, etc. This is what you will find. I will share my impressions and advice, honestly gained in silence at the monitor. It was December 2010) I vaguely knew what a webinar was. But how great it turned out that now returning to learning German is as easy as shelling pears. You choose a webinar, sign up, and – happiness! The native speaker himself talks to you. I would like to know where and how to invest money - please, there is such a topic! How to cook kulebyaka or lose weight without problems - live information for every taste! I attended webinars and participated. And now, I’m ready, the topic has been polished, the date has been set. New prospects for professional activity are open. And then it began... My first webinar was called “Midlife Crisis.” It was scheduled for December 27th. Wonderful! I'm in a pre-New Year's mood. At the end of the month a snowstorm began. There are snow piles all around. My city declared an emergency. But these are little things! This is my first webinar! The administrator clearly explained everything to me – what to say and where to say it, click, paste. I scared her with my questions, my fears. I'm glad that she was the one who found me. Advice one: find your guardian angel who will assist you, answer your not always smart questions, have patience, strong nerves and experience accompanying newcomers. Find it! It is important. So, a couple of hours before the start, I checked the headphones, the camera, and the entrance to the class. I hear my administrator, she hears me. Great. How can I sit down? Well, of course, I put on some blush, fixed my curls, and remembered something from the TV makeup artists’ advice. She sat down. I'm looking at the web. Beautiful. Yes, you need to choose a background behind your back. The New Year is coming. That's right, Christmas tree! I take the tree and put it behind my back. I turn on the flashlights. I look at myself... No, I get lost against the background of the Christmas tree. I turn off the flashlights. Fine. Dark. I turn on the light. Behind you. No, I'm turning it off. I turn it on in front of me. Adding lanterns to the tree. 45 minutes until the start. I admire... What's happened? The nose is shiny and dark. Need a different background. I take the laptop and wires and run to the photo wallpaper. No, that’s not it...20 minutes until the webinar. I grab the Christmas tree and add it to the photo wallpaper. Yes. Fine. 10 minutes until the webinar... Nooo!!! I grab my laptop, wires, Christmas tree, and put everything back as it was. The administrator already sounds in the earpiece. I look in the chat - more than 10 people, 12, 15. They are being addedand are added. I see familiar faces, or rather letters. Tip two: invite your friends and colleagues to your first webinar. They will support you. It is important. The webinar has started. - Hello! Silence. Administrator in the ear: - Turn off all programs, I can’t hear you. I do not see you. There were entries in the chat: I can’t hear, no sound, I can’t see, no image. I'm shocked. The chat is scribbling. Administrator in ear. God…. Then help came from our own people: - Olya, reboot, Olya restart, check this, check that. You and I, everything is fine. "+ : ) ) ) !!!" One of the colleagues occupied the audience's attention: - For now, let's tell you who is from which city... And then someone gave information: - So you have an emergency in your city. Failures and blockages. No connection. That's right, I heard about the emergency. But could I have guessed?! The administrator declared force majeure. Everyone agreed to the proposal to postpone the webinar. We left. I sat in thought. The tree shimmered beautifully. First damn….. But the mood was good. There are people there. I don't see their faces, I don't hear their voices. But I feel them. And they are very sincere. Thank you. But I still became the leader! The next webinar is scheduled for January. Before starting, I did all the same manipulations, ran around the house with my laptop. Only the tree was already sleeping in its house. - Hello! There is a guardian angel in your ear: - Press the microphone, press the camera. And I forgot...So, there is sound. There is an image. Tip three: you should start the webinar with questions: – can you hear me? Get “+, yes, ) ) )” - do you see me? Get “yes, very good.” + ) ) )" You can start. No, wait. Tip four: You will definitely forget something. Turn on the microphone. Turn on camera. Click on entry. Therefore, write down all the points. Print it out. Place it in front of you. Tip five right away. You look different on a webcam than you do in the mirror. It's you, but in reverse. Practice before you start. Otherwise, when you want to adjust the microphone, the participants may be surprised - why are you poking your right cheek if the microphone is on your left... I was broadcasting the topic. I say, I say. Well, yes, I worked on my topic brilliantly! That's what I'm saying. I look at myself in the camera. I straighten my hair. And a microphone. I correct it from the wrong side, I correct it. Yes, the brain and speech apparatus are working, and I was straightening my hair. Well, naturally, like a girl driving. As soon as he sees himself in the mirror, he corrects something. And suddenly it dawns on me! Is there anyone here? I urgently request feedback. And then she went: “+ + yes + ) ) !” Thank you, I say. Tip six: Don't forget to ask for feedback throughout the process. Like a submariner, or a pilot. - Can you hear me? Can you see me? These are the words with which you should not only begin. They need to be repeated. Ask for feedback. This way you will maintain contact with your listeners. Everything went as usual. My microphone was set to minimize background noise. And suddenly the intercom rang... The dog barked... Then the cat meowed... The bell alarmed the dog. She barked. Very loud! The dog woke up the cat. The cat began to scratch at the door. To the very door behind which I conducted the webinar... What to do? I wanted to throw away all the animals. Or shout at them threateningly. But...my microphone is set to minimize, I thought. I hoped that only I could hear my...these...animals. And she continued to give her theme louder, pretending that nothing was happening. Do you remember tip two? Invite your friends and colleagues to the webinar. I did it. And my colleague wrote in the chat: - hello to pets) ) ). Then I realized that everyone hears these “barks and meows.” Somehow everyone barked and meowed themselves. The webinar ended successfully. Tip seven: if you are hosting a webinar at home. Turn everything off. Turn it off! Telephone (mom will want to know how everything went during the process), intercom (the neighbors will definitely forget their keys today). If you are a happy owner of pets, don’t kick them out and nail them to a stool, that’s fine. But do something! Lock him in the farthest, farthest room. Feed. Give me something to drink. Leave them toys. Put someone in front of them. All this applies to children who have not yet.