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A person’s individuality is assessed by many criteria, and one of these is the type of perception. In accordance with the basic provisions of NLP (neurolinguistic programming), all people can be divided into auditory, kinesthetic, visual and discrete. Let's figure out which of them is which and why they are called that way. Audials. Auditory learners are people for whom the perception of information through a hearing aid is preferable. As a rule, auditory learners have a developed ear for music; they easily distinguish the intonation and timbre of a voice. Communication in a raised voice causes an acute stress reaction. The behavior of auditory people is distinguished by the following features: ▪️ they have the power of persuasion, while using phrases and words related to hearing in their speech: for example, “hear me”, “unheard”, “pronounce”, etc. d.;▪️they are very attentive to what the interlocutor says, they understand perfectly;▪️they feel the slightest shades of speech;▪️they take people at their word;▪️they demonstrate unexpressed gestures, which are positioned in the area of ​​the diaphragm.❗To arouse sympathy from the auditory, you need to speak quiet, calm, distinct. Under no circumstances should you shout or express emotions too loudly. Kinesthetics. Kinesthetics are people who better perceive the world around them through the sense of touch. The receptors of such people are extremely sensitive, so they make talented sommeliers, confectioners, cooks, perfumers, massage therapists, cosmetologists. In romantic relationships, tactile contact is very important for a kinesthetic person. He loves to kiss, hug, touch his partner, hold hands, have sex.❗You can easily win the heart of a kinesthetic person if you use the scent of perfume that he likes. At the same time, kinesthetic people are great conservatives. They quickly get used to people and things, so it is difficult for them to change anything in their lives. The same applies to a person’s appearance and image. They can wear the same clothes for years, do the same hairstyle, manicure every time, use the same brand of household appliances, etc. Discrete (or digital). Discrete people are people who check every fact for logic. This type is most often found among men who apply the principle of rationality in all spheres of life. It is unlikely that you will be able to separate the discrete emotions and evoke some feelings - they are more interested in how much money you spent on groceries today and why you need a mink coat if you live on the equator. These are explorer people who look for benefits and advantages in everything.❗If they choose between love and opportunity, they will no doubt choose the second. Visuals. Visual learners are people who perceive information with their eyes, so it is difficult to convince them of anything unless they provide material evidence. This is what they say about visual people: “He only believes what he sees.” Characteristic features of the behavior of visual people:▪️actively gesticulate in conversation;▪️often use phrases and words “imagine”, “look”, “figuratively speaking”;▪️attach great importance to aesthetics things and the appearance of other people, while the perception of the image in general is more important for them, rather than individual details (for example, interior design, and not the beauty of wallpaper);▪️they love changes in the interior, in the image, in the environment.❗The visual can be conquered by the beautiful stylishly selected clothes and everything that brings aesthetic pleasure. Observe the people in your circle. Using the NLP principle based on the type of information perception, you can easily find a common language with visual, discrete, and auditory learners. Good luck in understanding yourself and those around you!