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People are interested in: what is the stylist's picture of the world? The question is asked in the context of another question: “Are you happy?” I won’t conduct a public opinion poll, because I believe in a contact-direct background image, and I believe that I am surrounded by people just like me. I will answer this way: according to the averagely approved canons of happiness, I am not ideally happy, because “always wear a helmet and smile” is inadequate for me. I am just as inadequate in thinking that all people are enemies, or that only gloomy people in gray coats live in St. Petersburg, and so on. Simply put: it is unrealistic for me to always be happy, I have days of sadness, and hours of anger, and when “damn, everyone is annoying.” How strange it is for me to always be in a gloomy mood. I clearly admit all this to myself. I also admit that I have a built-in joy button that turns on and off depending on different things. For example, the following can turn on the joy button: Dog Major. Another unfamiliar and positive dog. Traveling with my husband anywhere. New dress, shoes, bag, hat. Recognition and applause in my honor. Demand and employment. A walk in the park. Dacha. Family holiday .Flowers just like that. Good book, film, magazine. Exhibition at Erarta. Yummy. For example, a banana under a sweet top of cottage cheese and chocolate glaze is my husband’s signature dish. A job well done. When I’ve had a good night’s sleep. Just a new morning. Or an evening under a blanket, with TV, husband, dog. Massage in the hammam. Music. A good photo of me. or just a good photo. And much, much more. And what turns off my joy button, I can tell everyone personally for many millions of money. :) My joy button is just mine. And around me there are the same people with individual buttons for individual joy and happiness. :) This is the picture of the world of a stylist in the context of the question “Are you happy?” Photo by the joyful photographer Ira Zhukova, who surrounds me :) Stylist-image maker Irina Ergina