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1. One early morning they woke up and he was well. He didn't know about it yet. She could only guess, but did not allow herself to be deceived, because this had happened more than once, when she thought that this was the end, but it was only a lull... This time the illness went away, she felt that she no longer needed them, that now they they know how to live without her, they finally learned to understand each other, appreciate and support each other, they finally became one. Illness was pleased with her work, she now knew that everything would be fine, and she was calm... 2. ...The sun was shining, it was warm and cheerful. It was another day of spring. And they went out for a walk: - I don’t feel well. - Look how good it is around, how pleasantly the sun is shining today, it doesn’t get too hot, it warms us... - ... I said that I feel bad, and you’re telling me about the weather, you don’t care what’s wrong with me! - I don’t care, take a pill... - !!! 3. It was not the first month of his illness, she thought that this nightmare would never end. So much had already been said, understood, done, she could not understand why he was still sick, then she again understood something, encouraged herself, talked to him, there was a feeling that this was the key!!! But this was just one more small step forward. The next day he felt bad again... 4. He was already very tired. He wanted to speed up time, he got angry, he lost patience. I calmed down, thought, wrote, talked, meditated, rode a bike, ran... took pills, was in the hospital... And in the end I continued to get sick. This drove him crazy. She tried to be close, she was tired too. 5. Together they are trying to find the answer to his illness. There is a feeling that there is no illness, that it is his imagination that is depicting the illness. But he needs an illness, even an imaginary one, it still has enormous power over him, and over her too. Why know the answer, maybe just live?.. 6. A lot, a lot of things happen, different events and things, everything changes. They change too. And there are days when they talk about their changes, and then they understand that everything that happens, everything they do is not in vain... And she (the disease) sits quietly and rejoices in her corner, rejoices in the fact that Every day they become happier and love each other more and more. 7. How did she come? He called her. And now there were two of them in his life: his beloved and his illness. It was difficult for her to get along with his illness: she was angry, did not pay attention to him, argued with him, manipulated - in general, did everything so that his and her life would be simply unbearable. It seemed to her that he would get tired of all this and drive away the disease, or the disease itself would get scared and go away. But nothing happened, and the disease remained with them. 8. Feelings, like an invisible thread, permeate events. Feelings are different. First there is guilt, which gives a huge feeling of insecurity. Then fear, fear that fetters movements and thoughts, which does not allow you to move freely in space. Then aggression, anger, the energy of which is uncontrollable, it strives outward, no matter what. And so, in the end, sadness, all-encompassing sadness, tears and liberation... Case history... 9. One “beautiful” day she said: “I will leave you, this cannot go on.” You are tormenting, torturing me. I just can't stand it any longer. I love you, but I will leave... - If you leave, I will not be angry. You have done so much for me that I will be grateful to you all my life, and all my life I will remember you... - !!! And you're telling me this!!! Instead of holding me, telling me that you won’t let me go anywhere, that you want me to be with you... that you will do everything for this... You are a slobber!!! Are you telling me that you will be grateful to me, that you will remember me? What should I do about this??? Stick it in the top of your leg!.. 10. She became a guiding star for him. He is just beginning to feel his strength, but she has long known that there is strength and that it is enormous. He has not yet learned to control his power, he does not yet know how and where it comes from, but…