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How to survive the loss of a loved one? The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in everyone’s life. A huge layer of human memory and memories fades into oblivion and only a piece remains in us. The realization of the loss does not come immediately. It's like we can't believe that this person is no longer with us. That we won’t see Him anymore and won’t be able to talk, hug, say how much we love him, and this is very difficult. Many people experience a state of depression. There is no strength or desire to do anything. Continue to live, but why anyway, sooner or later we will all die. We ourselves will go into oblivion and why bother moving at all? In fact, it’s all pointless. And the person seems to fall out of the real world and begins to live in this problem, as if he descends underground under the pressure of circumstances, and his whole life goes on above, away from him, and this is very depressing condition. The fear of death and an unbearable state of helplessness manifests itself with renewed vigor. And what to do during such a period, you ask? Yes, probably nothing. The main thing is not to try to run away from helplessness, stay in it, feel it. Allow yourself to simply grieve and feel the pain of loss, remember the good moments associated with this person, and under no circumstances abuse alcohol or drugs, this will only dissuade you from the loss. Your feelings and emotions must find a way out of you. With every tear, you will feel how something burning you from the inside comes out. And you are cleansed of grief and depression. Our ancestors were very wise and it is not for nothing that there is a tradition of 40 days. This is a time of mourning, as if the fire of memory is burning down and only ashes remain, which are carried by the wind. A kind of “memory framing” occurs, a final farewell to the person. You ask why you need to indulge in grief and not look for distractions on the side, I will answer, if this fire of grief does not burn out completely, it will smolder leaving a state of emptiness and depression. Having descended into the depths of our feelings, there we can push off from the bottom and jump out of this state, completely new and with a different outlook on life with renewed vigor. Death is a part of life, just as life is a part of death, the bottom follows another, it was before us and will be after. No one in the world knows how long fate has given us, so we just need to live, let go of the person and start thinking about the living. But if the pain from the loss is still too strong, I recommend contacting a specialist in the field of mental health. Sometimes a simple conversation gives us new ideas and opportunities, and most importantly the desire to live on.