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Relationships that have lasted for some time are important to maintain. Especially if you feel that you and your spouse have become distant. Life flows, a lot changes, and in relationships distance and rapprochement are possible. Often many people suddenly feel that relationships have become cold, and they have been like that for a long time. It is wonderful when we listen to ourselves from time to time and understand in which part of the straight Proximity - Distance we are We are with a partner. And as a result, we take steps to make the relationship warmer. I offer you 20 ways that will help add even more love, trust, and intimacy to your relationship! Fill your relationship with these simple ways: Smile at yourself in the morning when you wash your face or pass by the mirror, your spouse, your loved ones, your children! Hug more often. Kiss for at least 6 seconds. Admire your spouse. Directly and in your thoughts. Spend time with each other for 10-15 minutes every day. Ask in the evening about how your day went. Talk about what you need and want, without waiting for your husband to understand. Say Thank you and thank him even for the simplest things. For example: “Thank you for choosing a great series!”, “It’s so great that you washed the dishes!” Give preference to sex over cleaning, laundry or household chores.10. Learn to express your opinions without blaming (for example, using I-messages).11. Monitor your resource status. Fill yourself, take care, relax!12. Be respectful of his parents and his faith.13. Touch each other even when passing by or sitting at the table.14. Be respectful of your spouse's personal time, which he can spend with friends or doing hobbies (make time for your own personal affairs).15. Write to each other. For example, nice words just like that.16. Introduce a rule of rest after your spouse’s work and your own work.17. Dance together.18. Feed each other.19. Massage each other for about 10 minutes.20. Organize a date! This list can be continued. Share what helps you fill your relationships with love? I provide consultations on family, child-parent issues and individual consultations on various topics. To make an appointment, write to WhatsApp or Telegram +79271363760. I'll be glad to see you!