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Probably only in childhood, being small, a child with enthusiasm and with some anticipation says the word “WANT”, speaks as if he already has this toy, delicious cake or beautiful roller skates. He sincerely believes and hopes that this is quite feasible and, moreover, will come true in the near future. He “goes” towards his goal, he insists, he knows that he wants it and he needs it. Years pass, the child grows and thanks to the instructions of a caring society (parents, immediate circle, educators, teachers, neighbors, etc.) the inner “I WANT” smoothly turns into the hard “MUST”. Throughout his growing up, a person “absorbs” attitudes and commands, to whom and what he owes, how he should act, what he should do, who he should become, in order to please and make his environment happy. Yes, from a logical point of view, everything is correct, the older you are, the more opportunities you have to realize your desires, social roles and, accordingly, the higher the level of responsibility. A harmonious relationship between “WANT” and “MUST” allows an adult to be successful, purposeful and internally whole. The question is, does everyone achieve this harmonious balance? Not for everyone, this is where that very stumbling block comes, that dissonance that leads a person away from the right (own) path. My own path is when I “WANT” to enter this particular university, when I “WANT” to devote my life to exactly this matter, when I “WANT” to live in this city and with this loved one, etc. When there is “I WANT” and its implementation, even through trial and error, there is no regret about a wasted life. When “MUST” prevails and this attitude is a constant leitmotif throughout life, any successes (if any) are devalued, because this is the realization not of one’s own desires and goals, but of someone else’s. “MUST” is when you have graduated from a specialty that your parents insisted on, work in a position that brings more money, but not joy (because “MUST” “keep up the brand”, because “MUST” please, and not upset), here he said nothing, here he didn’t say anything, here “I no longer believe, I don’t want anything and I can’t get anything back”………..and then….. like a squirrel in a wheel joylessly and with sad eyes. Every person, at certain transitional stages of his life “ stops,” looking back and assessing what has been lived and achieved. And it is in those moments, at that crossroads, that a person has a choice - either to return again to this overwhelming “MUST” or to take your chance and return to your dream path, to remember what you dreamed about, what you once wanted and begin to realize, even bit by bit , but still its own, what makes the heart beat excitedly and what brings true and genuine joy. Pokormyak Olga Fedorovna Psychologist, Business coach Tyumen 8 (3452) 600-181 Website: http://psyolia.com/VK: http:/ /vk.com/club59839765