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Crises in the family: causes and ways out."People meet, people fall in love, get married." Many people think that now a happy family life will go on by itself. However, a family is a living organism, which, like a flower, needs to be watched, watered, cared for, fed, appreciated, otherwise it will die. A prosperous family in 30-50 years existence goes through several crisis periods - persisting and only strengthening. The main crises and their causes: 1. The first year of life Most divorces occur during this period. Despite the strong love of the spouses, the characters are “grinding in”, contact is formed in everyday life. Difficulties that the family faces during this period: finances - how to spend them; relatives - how to interact with them; distribution of household responsibilities - who does what. People have created relationships, having come from their families, having learned the rules of relationships of their parents, there is still a strong dependence on moms and dads, sometimes the dependence is psychological, sometimes financial. Recommendations for surviving the crisis of the first year of life: Remember that you are creating your own “unique” family. Take the best from your parents, add your own through discussion and agreements. Determine financial relationships with each other. Who has the money, how it is spent, who is responsible, etc. Agree on who does what around the house! By and large, in the modern world there are now no “gender” differences in everyday affairs. If there are household appliances, both a man and a woman can equally share responsibilities, especially if both work!2. Crisis of 3-5 years of family life. Usually a child is born during this period. There is a restructuring of the regime and relationships between men and women. She's becoming more of a mother, and he? Probably more like a father? The difficulties of this period lie in misunderstanding - the man has the opinion that he is no longer being paid attention, and the woman is offended that he does not help her with the baby, and she is very tired. Sex life may go wrong - it’s hard for her, the child cries at night, both do not sleep. Recommendations for overcoming the crisis of 3-5 years of family life: Dear women, of course, the baby needs you - but your husband also needs you. Give him attention and love. During this period, it is important for the husband to help his beloved with the child, to know the feeling of a father and to understand how important it is for a child to have a father in the first months of his life. It is imperative to create conditions for privacy and contact between husband and wife just the two of them. At least for a few hours a week. There is always a way out: grandmothers, nanny, neighbor, friend, etc. Children grow up quickly, and soon you will again be not only a mom and dad, but also a man and a woman.3. Crisis of 7-13 years of family life. A very difficult period for the family. Possible birth of a second child, getting used to each other, divergence in development (husband makes a career - wife is a housewife, or vice versa), financial problems, sometimes monotony, betrayal. Recommendations for maintaining relationships during a crisis of 7-13 years of life: Try to be interesting to each other , study, read, talk, discuss and, of course, take an interest in the life of your loved one. Create your own family traditions, rituals, distribute responsibilities for raising children. A family can be a protection, a rear for each of its members. Give surprises and gifts. Try to diversify your sex life. Women, remember: it is important and necessary to admire your husband, praise him and, most importantly, take care of your appearance. Let's relax and enjoy life.4. Crisis of 15-17 years During this period, children grow up, financial well-being has already stabilized. But the spouses have accumulated a lot of resentment, anger, mutual misunderstanding, and dissatisfaction. During this period, divorces occur easily, since negative emotions are stronger than affection and love. Recommendations for overcoming the crisis of 15-17 years: Talk more about your claims to each other. You can contact a family psychologist. Change your daily routine, gradually allowing children to become independent. Create new goals in the family for the future together with each other. 5. Crisis 20-25 years A very difficult crisis,!