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From the author: Image is like an “external facade” of your internal image, which allows you to highlight the best personal and business qualities No matter how absurd it may sound, the mechanism of perception is such that people often judge a book by its cover, about a product by its wrapper, and about a person by its appearance. Whether you want it or not, you cannot prevent the signals transmitted by your appearance from being perceived by other people in a certain way. Any person, meeting you for the first time, will in one way or another “read” information about what you are like: clothing style, demeanor, gestures, voice, speech... The external impression made is formed during the first few minutes of the conversation, but it is very significant and long-lasting and, sometimes, it is this impression that can have a decisive influence on all subsequent relationships with you, playing a role both in your future career and in your entire life. The first impression can only be made once and it is extremely difficult to change it. The role of those sent signals is not limited to those situations where it is important to make only a first impression. You are on stage from the beginning to the end of any contact with another person, and every word, gesture and expression will be seen and appreciated, consciously or subconsciously, by the other person, so it is necessary to ensure that your image always and everywhere works favorably for you . If you don’t take care of this, then your competitors will, and, naturally, not to your advantage. Therefore, your own image should always be in the area of ​​your close attention, because it creates an impression, and people are often guided by their impression - an emotional attitude - at the time of making various decisions. A correctly created image allows you to arouse interest and affection for your person. If a positive attitude is formed, then trust will certainly follow and, in turn, high appreciation, recognition, prestige and confident choice. This is the psychological chain generated by a positive attitude. And, conversely, if everything in the image is not holistic and harmonious, then a person may face various kinds of problems. It is not without reason that Americans say that a positive image is worth billions of dollars. If you look back at history, you can see that people have long been careful about maintaining their image . The beautiful Hatshepsut, the only female pharaoh, wore a golden beard on special occasions, just as a male pharaoh would have done. A wealthy European citizen of the 12th century was forbidden to dress like a family nobleman, although his wealth allowed him to have the best costumes of that era. In India, by the nuances of the outfit, it was possible not only to distinguish a married woman from an unmarried one, but also to accurately determine her social status, belonging to a certain caste. Translated from English, the word “image” literally means “image” and comes from the Latin word imago - “image” ”, which is associated with another Latin word - imitate, that is, “imitate, reproduce.” Attention to image has become urgent in recent years due to the aggravated problem of choice facing people (a wide choice of services and goods, political parties and public organizations, leaders and managers), and fierce competition in various markets - the labor market, consumer, political and others. According to experts, at present the struggle in the market is mainly waged not between companies and not between their representatives, but between images. In order to sell a product or service, to attract voters to your side, in order to successfully compete in the labor market, you need to create an attractive image for yourself. Sometimes it seems that we are familiar with all the rules and standards, and there is no need for a serious study and approach to our own image. An expedient, adequate image is the lot of politicians, movie stars and other public people who make money from their image. This is a big misconception. Most of us need an image to make money.=6558