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There is a song by Underwood - “Letter in a Bottle”, about the lines of which I have an endless argument with one friend. I can clearly hear that they are singing “All my life they told me that life is a battle!..”, and to him “That life is pain!... I took it and believed it.” And in this disagreement lies the deep difference in our attitudes and expectations from reality. The term parapraxis, in common parlance has become a “Freudian slip,” is any minor slip, slip or mistake that is not just an innocent gesture, but a manifestation of unconscious desires or conflicts .To understand these phenomena, it is worth understanding how such protective mechanisms of the psyche as projection and transference work. If something irritates too much, it will be repressed and transferred to others. Let's say I am a stingy person. The toad stifles even small, insignificant expenses. It makes me sick to admit this to myself, which means this is what we will do to my psyche: we will discuss everyone around us who shows even a little stinginess! This way I will project my inner discomfort onto the outside. Do you want to know your strengths and weaknesses? Write down the qualities of three people from your environment whom you admire, and three whom you condemn. For what? Why? And then read and treat this list with the utmost degree of sincerity. It may happen that we love in others what is in ourselves. And we despise what is an unresolved issue for us. Envy is structured in a similar way. When experiencing strong internal discomfort at other people’s successes and achievements, remember, this is only because we ourselves have the potential to realize such goals. This can be confirmed by the fact that not all conquered heights of others touch us - only some. They are worth paying attention to. There are hidden dreams that have not yet been realized, suppressed desires and aspirations. What more could you want! There are other defenses of the psyche: • Isolation (I’ll switch off so as not to experience this. Ignoring. Or dependence on substances that change the state of consciousness.) • Denial (I never..) • Repression (I’d rather forget about this matter /emotion.)•Projection (It is they who are so bad and evil who do this to me, not me to them!)•Reactive formation (I can’t feel this, I will experience the opposite. It seems that I have sympathy for the neighbor’s wife, but this is forbidden , I will mean quietly hating her instead.) • Intellectualization (I know this, I explain it, but I won’t feel it.) • Rationalization (I have a reasonable explanation for this. I beat the child so that he grows up as a human being!) • Somatization (This it’s too hard, if I live through this with my body, I’ll get sick! I’m offended at work, the next day I’ll get a cold and won’t go, so as not to feel shame.) • Avoidance (I’ll think about it tomorrow.) • Acting out (If something stresses me out, but I I don’t understand what... You can work out in the gym, release this excitement that has arisen by doing something.) • Displacement (I’m very angry with the boss, but I’ll yell at another guy in a car driving on the way home.) • Splitting (In our The husband is the main one in the family, but I myself will decide how everything will be! I don’t see any contradiction.)•Idealization and devaluation (An easy way to refuse to live difficult feelings, to avoid confronting reality. I will say that this is all nonsense and nonsense!)•Sublimation (I will direct this energy to creation and creativity. Instead of grieving, I will paint a picture , which will reflect my state.) It is good to remember this if we are going to live a conscious life, and not just act reactively, following the defenses that are triggered unconsciously. I actively blog, join me. You can contact me on a “You” basis. Yana. Let's get acquainted!