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🟦 How to deal with anxious thoughts? Exercise🟦 When anxiety goes beyond a normal reaction, it can paralyze our ability to think clearly and solve problems, to put it bluntly, we become dull and helpless. To prevent this, you need to train your brain to catch IRRATIONAL thoughts and replace them with RATIONAL ones. 🟦 Step 1 - remember a common situation that causes anxiety, for example, speaking in front of an audience 🟦 Step 2 - imagine that you are now in this situation. Describe👎the worst outcome👌the best outcome🖐the most likely outcome🟦 Step 3 - imagine that the worst outcome has become a reality. Will this be important to you:🕐 a week later🕒 a month later🕔 a year later🟦 Step 4 - Using your “worst case outcome” and “most likely outcome” describe your irrational and rational thought. 🟦 For example, since anxious thoughts focus on the worst outcome, even if the probability of this outcome is negligible - an irrational thought will sound like: “I will forget everything, I will be laughed at or judged, I will not survive this.” 🟦 An alternative, rational thought could be: " I have practiced a lot and the performance should go well, but even if I make a mistake/get confused, the audience is more likely to be neutral towards me, so they will not attach much importance to it, and will quickly forget about the incident."🟦 To sum it up - to get peace of mind, you need rational thoughts that are formulated based on the likelihood of an event and the view of the event after some time. 🟦 By learning these simple steps and repeating them several times, you can easily stop anxious, irrational thoughts, which means you will become calmer and more effective. You must also keep in mind that the exercise is only an ambulance; it is important to understand the causes of overwhelming anxiety, if it occurs regularly. Constant anxiety may be a consequence of unmet natural basic needs for safety, support and stability. It is also important to check the physiological side of anxiety - some diseases and hormonal problems can stimulate anxiety states. If you find it difficult to cope with anxiety, then know that you can and should ask for help. Come for a consultation - we'll figure it out together!