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Scammers mainly fall for people who feel weak to achieve anything on their own. This is: - either due to poor health, - or because they understand that their time is supposedly limiting, i.e. what you haven’t achieved in life is already too late to achieve - “the train has left” - or due to disbelief, and most often unwillingness, to change anything in your life. But you still want to get the desired well-being. So the person himself begins, somewhere in his soul, to hope for a miracle. In psychology, such an emotional mood is called a child’s position: someone will come, give something, or something will happen by itself, and happiness will come. This is such a weak position in life. And, of course, in old age, many people begin to develop such a childish weak position, which is why they make up the majority of victims of scammers. Victims of scammers, like all psychological victims, tend to shift all responsibility onto those who deceived them, but the main thing is here it’s different, as A.S. wrote. Pushkin: “Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m happy to be deceived myself.” Fraudsters, as masters of their craft, of course, master many promotion techniques. Such techniques are now taught a lot for good purposes in trainings for effective sales or negotiations, and they do not involve hypnosis in the classical concept that has taken root in our society. At such trainings, they teach the principles of client motivation, verbal and non-verbal techniques for gaining trust and leading a person. Essentially, people are taught tools of persuasion - this is not bad, it’s just a tool, like a screwdriver: you can fix something with it, but you can also break it, and you can also kill. It depends on whose hands it ended up. Fraudsters use these tools for their own negative purposes. But let's understand the truth: All these methods and techniques of persuasion work only if they fit into the paradigm of what a person believes in himself. And the famous gypsy hypnosis also works, only under this condition. Let me remind you what the essence of gypsy hypnosis is: ask a person 5 simple questions to which he will definitely answer “yes”, and on the sixth time offer him with a feeling of great participation what you need, and he will answer you automatically “yes” - he will agree. And there is only one condition: what a person agrees to must correspond to his principles of life, his faith, his values. If it does not correspond, the person will feel sharp discomfort or fear, the instinct of self-preservation will turn on and even the most powerful hypnosis will not work. A sharp feeling of discomfort will simply pull a person out of a relaxing trance state right away. So... The best recipe for protection from scammers is your own independence. It can be obtained in any state if you find the answer to a very adult question: “What can I do myself in order to get what I want?” And ask yourself this question until you find that elementary simple action that you are able to do it yourself to provoke the chain of actions and events that you want to achieve.