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You can often hear wives complaining about their husbands - he is lazy, inattentive, untidy, and greedy. Before the wedding, he was completely different - he gave gifts and carried bags, but now, as they changed, he became completely useless... The mystery of such changes lies in the woman’s attitude towards her husband. If she is dissatisfied with him and is sure that she deserves a better husband, then he becomes indifferent, lazy, lacking initiative - why try if the person closest to you would like to replace you with someone else? In addition, if a wife believes that she needs a better husband, her husband may begin to cheat - after all, she has already committed emotional betrayal. Most of all, a man is supported by his wife’s faith in him. If she is too independent and does a man’s work herself, the man loses self-confidence and does not want to do anything at all. He lies down on the sofa and stops being interested in the life of the family. If a woman does not open her heart, does not demonstrate her love for her husband, then he loses all desire to pay her attention, give flowers and make gifts. When a wife respects her significant other, then everyone around her respects him. If the wife does everything contrary, does not talk about her plans, he becomes internally weak, loses his masculinity. In a man, those qualities that his wife pays attention to develop most strongly. If she constantly scolds him for his shortcomings, then they intensify, and if she praises him and notices his good sides, then the husband becomes even better. Everyone has good and bad qualities - no one is perfect. You can be glad that he is clean and responsible, or you can be annoyed because of his meticulousness and exactingness - after all, these qualities often coexist. Because of this, the same man in a second marriage may turn out to be a completely different person. It happens that the husband was lazy, drank a lot, earned little, and then he gets divorced, marries again and begins to live completely differently. He develops his business, plays sports, and has a happy family. But it also happens the other way around - a successful businessman and active person after a wedding suddenly loses interest in everything, goes broke, acquires fat and bad habits. In both cases, it’s all about the wife - in the first case, the woman inspired her husband and supported him, and in the second, she deprived him of energy and self-confidence. And if you don’t like your husband in some way, then it makes sense to take a closer look at your own behavior - maybe , you made him like this. And instead of grumbling dissatisfiedly and reproaching fate, try to look into yourself and understand why your spouse behaves this way. You need to educate, first of all, not your husband, but yourself - and then there will be peace, happiness and prosperity in the family.