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Lately, I have been increasingly faced with children’s school problems (which, in general, is not surprising, given the current state of education in our friendly countries). I define the problem for myself as follows: children with a normal level of development of the HMF (thinking, memory, perception, attention) - neglect their studies, receive low grades, do not know the information of the school course. There are many aspects to this issue - from the quality of teaching, to inability or parents' reluctance to find a way out of the situation. I will try to structure my thoughts on this matter. 1. A question of motivation. Nowadays, most adults are focused not on self-development, but on making money. The following message hangs in the air: it doesn’t matter how you study and what you strive for, it doesn’t matter what your inclinations and abilities are - the main thing is to feed, clothe/shoe your family, give birth and provide for children. What do we expect from a child? In order to make efforts, you need to know WHY you are making them. If a child sees that a mother with a higher education and who studied well is trading in the market or plowing for pennies in a state institution, barely making ends meet - do you think he will really want to struggle for 11 years for this, making every effort? And if the mother says with sadness, “Here I am at your age...” - the effect intensifies and the reproach evokes one answer: “And what do you have now?” Conclusion: a successful parent is able to motivate his child to study by his own example. parents in the spirit of “no one forced me to study! No one sat with me and did my homework!” are also quite understandable. When my parents were studying, there was still a Soviet system, when the whole ideology was built on “study, study and study again.” The general atmosphere in society stimulated and encouraged me to study. What now - see above.2. They don't teach you how to study at school. Absurd? But it is so. There is a program, there is material, but most children do not understand what to do with it. And this is not because the majority are mentally retarded. This does not happen and, fortunately, we have not reached this point yet. Children know that the material needs to be learned, but HOW to do it, they have no idea. They roughly guess that it needs to be remembered. Therefore, when the volume of material increases and the style of its presentation becomes more complicated, problems begin. Most children do not have the elementary skill of isolating the main idea from a large array of information. Method of solving the problem: show with an example, analyze in detail several texts and teach the child to make supporting notes (cheat sheets, paradoxically) of what they read. Highlight and, perhaps at first, write down the definitions necessary for memorization, and write out the rest of the information schematically. According to the scheme - retell. To understand a complex and faceless text, you need to learn to imagine it in your imagination. For example, we are talking about geographical landscapes, what influences them and what they are made of. By imagining the Sahara Desert, for example, and fixing the points in images: climate, relief structure and other faceless phrases, the child will better understand what we are talking about and remember it faster. It is necessary to emphasize the benefits of the procedure: less time spent, greater efficiency. By structuring the learning process - the child will learn to structure other areas of his life by analogy.... After the skill has been practiced and consolidated, you can become familiar with mnemonics (techniques for quick and effective memorization). After - because memorizing should not be everything in a row, but the essence, the main thing. Remember how spurs are written for the exam. After all, of those who wrote them themselves, few use them and copy them. Yes, practically no one. The principle is similar. While we structure the information and highlight the reference points, we remember it.3. The child has no free time, a lot of workload. Yes, this also happens. Now it is fashionable and convenient (you won’t wander around anywhere while the parents are at work) to send your child to countless clubs and sections. Without much consideration.