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Today is the first official working day in Russia after the New Year holidays. Question for those who have been resting all this time: what mood did you have when you went to work? If you couldn’t wait for this moment, then congratulations, you are either doing what you love and then you can safely scroll through this post, or your personal life is very boring. It doesn’t bring pleasure and this is already a good reason to sign up for a consultation. If you feel a little discomfort today, you are a little sad, it’s difficult to concentrate, and added to this are the thoughts that the main holiday of winter is already over, and spring is still oh so close, then my simple to implement, but effective tips will definitely help you. 5 tips for comfortable adaptation: Allow yourself little joys. After a working day, do something nice just for yourself. This could be a cup of aromatic coffee in your favorite coffee shop, a relaxing bath with salt, or self-massage with aromatic oils. Whatever you want, the main thing is that you enjoy doing it. The secret is that you need to come up with little joys in advance and plan them for every day of the work week. Knowing that joy awaits you at the end of the day, work will be more pleasant. Get involved in work step by step. “Faster, higher, stronger” - this motto is not for you now. The psyche needs time to adapt to activities after a break. Divide work tasks into “urgent”, “current” and “minor”. Try to postpone the latter at least for the second working week, and break the first two categories into sub-items and make a plan in which you determine how much time you will devote to what tasks during the day. Ideally, the activities will alternate. Take breaks every 40-50 minutes. Even robots cannot work without stopping. A person even more so. And if you don’t set time intervals for rest for yourself, your subconscious will do it for you. The “recharging” mode (the moment when you begin to think more slowly, your concentration drops, your movements slow down) will be forced to turn on, and it is possible that this will lead to a deterioration in mood and a general decrease in the efficiency of someone who has not yet had time to adapt to work. body. Therefore, every 40-50 minutes, take a break for 5-10 minutes. During it, you can simply sit with your eyes closed, get up for a walk (especially important if you have a sedentary job), if possible, do gymnastics or a few breathing exercises. Include physical activity. It’s ideal if you start regularly playing your favorite sport. Yoga, dancing, gym, no time, no opportunity - morning exercises for 10-15 minutes - any physical activity is always good, but especially during adaptation to work after the holidays. The sport you like for you benefits of "3 in 1". During exercise, endorphins are produced - the hormones of “happiness”, the metabolic processes of the brain improve and the activity of the nervous system is regulated. Simply put, your mood improves, you begin to think better and become calmer. And of course, a nice bonus is that your figure improves. Allocate 7-8 hours to sleep. This advice is universal and always relevant. The amount of energy you have for the day depends on the duration of your sleep at night. The less gasoline we pour into the internal gas tank, the shorter the distance our car can travel. And if you regularly save on gasoline, then one fine day it will certainly “dry out” at the most inopportune moment. Share how you adapt to work after long breaks?