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From the author: When did you get your first watch? How many times a day do you look at your watch? How much time a year can you live without looking at the clock and not feeling time? Mental processes are rapid. They are much faster than a person can comprehend them. To seize the moment is to feel your state. Record the result of the work of the psyche. Hear your body... feelings... thoughts... A second... and the state has changed. It has become different. Time... What do you imagine when you hear this word? Clock... Measuring time... Why... How does this happen... The sun and moon, replacing each other, count down the daily cycle. Seasons replace each other and change the states of all living things, counting down the year. The moon, decreasing, disappearing and reappearing in the night sky to become full, measures lunar cycles. Natural time: the change of day and night, phases of the moon, seasons, - associated with the biological, physiological and psychological characteristics of a person. It has a direct impact on them. Man is inseparable from natural time. This is a common resource for all people. Time changes nature, the objective world, and people irreversibly. Having split one solar course from sunrise to sunrise, man began to measure time. Correlate various, dissimilar changes with formal standards: second... minute... hour... days... years. Wanting power and control over natural processes, man figured out how to measure time and became dependent on his invention. Formal time is a social regulator. It is needed: So that people can simultaneously find themselves at one point in space. Correlate their achievements with the achievements of other people. Sometimes they can only be compared by chronological indicators, which do not take into account individuals. The measurement of time separates the past from the future and makes these non-existent categories meaningful for a person. Having learned to measure time, man lost himself. Now society dictates how quickly a child should learn educational material. What skills should you have at a certain age? How much time should an adult devote to work? At what moment and where should it be? An external regulator - time - has become a means of structuring activity and mental processes. Modern man more often looks at his watch than hears his body, feelings, thoughts. He is either in a hurry to get somewhere, or he is late. Therefore, he always feels that he does not correspond to the standard. The dominance of social time drowns out individual time. Slowing down the rapid and accelerating the slow leads the psyche to an unbalanced state, which becomes habitual and is defined by the phrase: I feel bad. Formal time, from the outside, performs a structuring function of the psyche. Constantly checking our state with the clock, we slow down mental processes with awareness. Not being ready for to complete some task, we do not sleep at night to meet the deadline. The non-coincidence of individual mental rhythms and the formal requirements of society, implemented through measured time, leads to physiological and psychological discomfort. Ignoring this will lead to health problems. You can learn to use all your time and not lose yourself. Who owns your time?