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From the author: A collage of texts on the author’s trainings and training technologies, personal growth programs, as well as an analysis of the role of training in business and everyday life, discussions about its directions and methods, about the possibility and prospect of combining classics and innovations and future prospects for training in modern society. FANGS OF TRAINING Training is a coach manifested externally by his own skill. The variety of systems and technologies are like the spearheads of vectors tearing through space, rapidly expanding the landscape of the possible. Training is a new paradigm for understanding the world, replacing the archaism of university scholasticism. The philosophy of embodied pragmatics and the collapse of ontology. He cuts off the unnecessary. Shows perfection. Excludes the unverifiable and speculatively constructed. Training is a ferociously illusion-devouring beast. The blood of mythologies drips from his fangs. PHANTOMS OF HIDDEN CONTROLHow often are you manipulated? Are you sure that all hidden influences were recognized and prevented by you? What gives you reason to believe so? Imagine for a moment that just one hidden manipulative influence was exerted - and went unnoticed... Just one, out of many hundreds of such influences and attempts at secret influence occurring every hour... What could be the price that we have to pay to managers every day, throughout our lives? to our countless manipulators? It's not just about ubiquitous advertising. You can simply ignore it. But what about the living people with whom we communicate every day? Subordinates manipulate their superiors, and superiors and managers manipulate their subordinates. Suppliers are clients. Sellers are buyers. Children are parents. Wives - husbands. Friends, acquaintances, relatives and loved ones - each other in turn and at the same time. What can we say about the intricacies of the techniques and tricks of professional negotiators! It is the latter, perhaps, that is most worth learning. If your life is spent exclusively with family and friends, or the scope of your responsibility and job responsibilities is limited to the kitchen and grocery shopping, then the price that the countless manipulators you encounter will force you to pay is not so great. But if you are a business leader, top manager, negotiator, sales representative or consultant, then the price of the issue is completely different. Is it worth saving on the development of professionalism and paying not two, but twenty thousand times more to those who, possessing special techniques and skills of NLP, conversational hypnosis and influence building, and numerous other sophisticated skills, will use them without hesitation - of course, it’s up to everyone to decide. Perhaps you are already ready to comprehend the high and much-needed art of countering manipulation in life, and become a true professional in the secret science of mind control? CONVICTION OF TEACHINGS A person studies all his life. Studying, mastering new information and experience is not only a necessary condition for successful social adaptation, effective interaction with people and the outside world, business development, career development, improvement of health and well-being, personal growth - but also one of the main and defining properties of a living organism. Living matter that has stopped learning and has stopped developing dies, and the psyche degrades. However, many of us have retained a persistent dislike for learning since our school and student years. Don’t teach me to live - we often say - and each of us knows the continuation of this banal phrase... Indeed, due to ineffective, painful and psychologically traumatic teaching methods that are at least two hundred years outdated and, unfortunately, to this day, the educational system that is still in place, inherited from the classical Prussian gymnasium, we have all developed, literally, an allergy to learning. Or, in the words of modern psychology, a negative anchor has been established. To be a student for many of us means again, consciously or at some deep subconscious level, to feel inept again,helpless and afraid of punishment child. Due to the fact that the need for recognition, self-esteem and a sense of security is natural and one of the basic human needs, any action or event that threatens it causes alertness, fear and resistance, and even outright aggression. This is why so many of us avoid learning anything new at all costs. And this is despite a completely different approach to education and development, adopted long ago in systems of continuous education, coaching, training programs, and other progressive and educational methods developed on the basis of the latest achievements of scientific psychology. Thus, a person, due to his own not always conscious fears, closes his own path to the future. After all, there is no better way to avoid success, professional and personal excellence and mastery - than to prohibit yourself from learning. Or do it in fits and starts, through force, without a system and a clear picture of the desired result. To get rid of these unnecessary fears and obstacles that hinder us, to feel again, as in early childhood, the bright joy of knowing the world, discovering and suddenly clearly understanding something new, the mechanism effectively helps psychological training. It combines elements of a game and a free search for truth, the opportunity to look at things that have always seemed familiar from a fundamentally different, unexpected side, the development of progressive technologies of cognition and planning, evaluation of the result and reliability of information, psychological comfort and safety, and communication with new interesting people . The training is in no way a course of lectures, or, on the contrary, something like sports training with mechanical training of behavioral skills and patterns. His task is not to inform adults once again that being rich and healthy is better than being poor and sick, and, moreover, not to try to teach them the only correct behavior for all occasions in life. The real goal: instilling reasonable self-confidence, charging with energy and skill, providing effective mechanisms for improving one’s own functioning in the necessary situations and contexts of professional, social and personal activity. DYNAMICS AND ARCHAIC We take it for granted that the mind, body and feelings of a person are parts of a single cybernetic system, and changes in one part immediately affect the others. Volumes have been written about this, and discussing the holistic paradigm and the mistake of Rene Descartes, who separated body and spirit, is redundant. However, training technologies, especially business training, in contrast to the most advanced personal growth trainings, are rarely friendly with refrigeration dynamics. Corporate loyalty and competent speech are still being trained. In the best case, also the parts of the body that give the most obvious non-verbal signals during business communication. Many training and educational systems still use approaches developed at the very beginning of the 20th century. More progressive and worthy of human nature can be the use of the most advanced and already proven achievements of science. In particular, such as neurosemantics and neurobiomechanics. This ensures faster and more complete mastery of the material, making the learning process more comfortable and interesting. Is innovation possible in training? What does the very idea of ​​new technologies mean? Are there not enough existing ones? Do we need changes in thinking? There are a huge variety of methods for increasing mental efficiency. Some of them have a history of centuries or even a thousand years, while others are only a couple of decades old. Socratic dialogue became the ancient prototype of modern coaching, and the system of lyceums and gymnasiums of antiquity laid the foundations not only for university education, but also for seminars and training programs. Training is an innovation in teaching in itself. Emerging half a century ago from meeting groups and interest clubs, academic research into group dynamics from Kurt Lewin's laboratory, group psychotherapy and specialtraining programs for intelligence officers, the training initially became a fundamentally innovative approach to the process of transferring knowledge and skills. However, what is the reason for the success of some people, and the failure of others, if everyone, as one, applies already existing and studied in standard training techniques for organizing business, business communication and negotiations, management, goal setting and planning competitive strategies? What allows some to rise, while others are forever kept down? It would seem that everyone has studied and uses the same, and, if you believe the advertising, well-proven approaches, techniques and skills! This is exactly how things are today, despite the fact that many around today are armed to the teeth with sophisticated techniques mastered in numerous trainings technologies of influence created and developed on the basis, whatever you say, manipulative forms of NLP artificially taken out of the context of psychology. On suggestive and zombie methods of controlling thought and behavior. The paradox is that these technologies and manuals on them, transferred here from another cultural and mental context, are often mechanically translated from texts created in English, which has a completely different structure, language. Accordingly, solutions that are adequate to a different mentality, to ways of understanding the world and making decisions, often simply do not work in our realities! Starting from the differences in the forms and structures of our Russian language and the Eurasian culture based on it, to serious differences at the highest logical levels of understanding and giving meaning to space, time and life. It may seem like an empty horror story, but real practice and experience often demonstrate the direct harm of some of them for the user and student. Of course, not as a result of deliberate villainy, but only, as usual, because they wanted what was best. The Far East here was ahead of us by a couple of thousand years. In the ancient Chinese training system Do-in, since the era of the warring states, it is the integral approach to human development that has been cultivated. Not the development of a head that has forgotten about the body - but also not pumping up muscles and stuffing steel fists. Not even harmony, since its concept implicitly provides for the separation of harmonizing parts - but the dynamic balance of unity. Elements of this approach, as experience has shown, adapted for the modern European, are quite appropriate to use in trainings. And even in seemingly banal sales or management skills training. For what? Not at all for the sake of exoticism - although even such a motive in the context of efficiency would have a serious reason. After all, we remember information incomparably more firmly and learn a skill, accompanied by vivid impressions and strong emotions. This alone would provide greater training efficiency than usual. And this factor certainly takes place - however, the most important thing here is completely different! Do-in - translated means “to direct and balance the energy of the mind - eyes - heart” and is a system of exercises that works at all levels of our body. The body, mind and emotional sphere get rid of chronic tensions and blocks that have been accumulating for years and impeding the free flow of energy and the manifestation of the deep potential of the individual. A natural sense of balance is developed, giving strength and health to the body, clarity and sharpness to the mind, receptivity, joy, and energy to the senses. The balance developed by the body is associated with the psychodynamics of the individual and is translated beyond the physiological sphere into modes of intellectual and emotional understanding of the world and human functioning. All modalities of information processing and representative systems are balanced, and therefore gain stability of attention, perception, memory and thinking. Neurosemantics is one of the most modern areas of psychology, created by M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer in the 90s on the basis of revised neurolinguistic programming and based on building internal states of efficiency,creativity and skill to achieve success. It is based on the theory of the hierarchy of frames and operations with them at all levels of the conscious and unconscious, including collective and transpersonal levels of existence of the human personality. Neurobiomechanics is a promising direction at the intersection of psychology, biology and cybernetics, dating back to the works of academicians Pavlov and Sechenov, however incomparably far removed from them, like a modern computer from a mechanical adding machine. A branch of knowledge that studies the relationships between the physical, psychological and spatiotemporal aspects of human functioning as an integral system. The harmonious combination of modern Western and traditional Eastern approaches to improving a person and teaching him new skills allows us to take advantage of their advantages, avoiding the limitations inherent in each system. This is achieved by building internal states of confidence, mastery, energy and joy, being in which a person achieves his goals in any chosen activity in the shortest possible way. Actually, the integration of newly discovered and systematically rethought philosophical and psychological archaics and cybernetic psychotechnologies of the era of quantum mechanics and holistic thinking, East and West, past and future, like the synchronization of the hemispheres of the planetary collective brain, takes the actually accessible possibilities of individual human consciousness far beyond the bounds of the everyday familiar. BUSINESS MUSCLES The goal of business training is to sharply improve a person’s qualifications in his chosen field of activity, to give him a state of true professional excellence. A business person has no time to sit at a desk for years. However, only a well-trained employee and manager is able to withstand the pace and pressure of a business that is increasingly demanding. Experience requires an understanding that a necessary condition for effective learning, leading to the subsequent systematic and natural application of acquired knowledge in practice, is the combination of optimal methods of presenting it with the construction of an internal state of mastery. It consists of interest, joy, success, and focus on achieving results. Therefore, truly effective training is not only about transferring skills. The basic part of it is the work of developing emotive competence, which ensures that very state of mastery and high efficiency. Particular emphasis is placed on maintaining a high level of energy and enthusiasm, as well as a state of internal balance and self-confidence. As a result, the training participant will be able to significantly increase the level of success and professional excellence, develop creativity, intuition, will and leadership qualities, make business and relationships in their environment extremely effective, harmoniously developing and bringing joy. Of course, business people would like to not only promote their business, but also remain physically and emotionally healthy and happy. They probably even wish the same for their loved ones. The source of strength leading to victory, creativity, joy and success is, as we know, in each of us, but access to it, alas, is often complicated by destructive programs of the subconscious and habitual ways of reacting and thinking . Properly selected trainings will not only provide skills and knowledge, but will also help overcome internal barriers, clearing the way to hidden reserves and building on their basis a state of personal mastery. Through business games, group discussions and practical exercises, real, practically applicable knowledge and the skills based on it are superimposed and consolidated on this foundation, as if on a strong but flexible frame. Training is tomorrow's success, nourished by the joy of developing the mind. MIND AND SEVERITYmust? You wait, count on a timely return of your funds, make plans... Everything suddenly changes, and you and your company, which until recently had solid capital and working capital, at the will of other people and as a result of a sudden change in unpredictable macroeconomic parameters, find yourself in a not very pleasant situation position Perhaps what happened only slightly affected you, without affecting either your development plans, the standard of living of your employees, or the ability to fulfill your own obligations to partners. Perhaps everything is completely different and the scale of what happened is much more serious. Whatever it was, what happened means that from now on the problems of other people, for which you are not at all to blame, have become yours. And you don't have to put up with it at all. Moreover, endure, listen to the complaints and excuses of people who have let you down, and take on the burden of all possible consequences. If what happened is really not important, and you prefer not to notice it, suffer losses and the consequences of someone else’s irresponsibility, then so be it. However, if the sense of justice, the need to restore your own violated interests, and, of course, the determination appropriate to the situation, have not faded away in you, then it is probably worth finding a form of realizing your legitimate desire. It is worth mentioning that the range of decisions discussed lies entirely within the legal framework and business ethics, as well as common sense and economic benefit. We do not suggest the use of household electric heating devices in the difficult task of negotiating with debtors. Let's leave savagery in the past. Today can offer something much better! We want to draw your attention to who will conduct these negotiations and how. How exactly will these people achieve success? What qualities, skills and competencies must they possess to successfully solve a delicate and tough task? What will ensure their success? This is the very situation when the “human factor” becomes more important than ever. After all, the person, the negotiator, the specialist on whom it depends whether you receive your money on time, or find yourself at the very end of a long line of creditors lined up at the doorstep of your debtor, must have not only determination, activity and established negotiation skills - but also special skills ! Through knowledge and confident use of techniques of argumentation and presentation of demands, exerting psychological pressure, manipulation, evasion and counteraction, a number of other techniques and techniques known only to professionals, you can emerge victorious in a difficult struggle for your own money! And the costs of mastering them during a special, carefully designed professional training will pay off many times over! A trained mind is not the empty fantasy of intellectuals. This is a need for harsh reality and a tool for surviving in it. Its presence, honed by proper training and special training, giving the civilian businessman the capabilities, skills and strengths recently available only to intelligence officers, will turn the balance of power. Will support and give confidence in the most extreme contexts. What was lost will return, you just need to learn and allow yourself to take it - with your own hand. THE GROWTH OF LIFE They say that to be alive means to grow and develop. What does not develop is dead. Since there is absolutely no point in leaving the world prematurely, and sometimes life can be very interesting, it is worth turning to not only books as one of the assistants and tools in this sometimes difficult task. Their texts are sometimes deep - but lack live presence and feedback. You can try the new reality for yourself - at personal growth trainings. Whatever we call a person’s natural desire to look into the depths of himself, to get to the roots and origins of this world, to its very essence, he will not be alone on this path. If he wants. Sometimes it’s worth putting things aside and listening to a story about the experience of the ancient sages, developedtheir schools and directions, about modern methods of deep self-knowledge and transformation of various aspects of life. And not only listen - but also walk the path personally. However, in conditions much safer than those provided to the inquisitive seeker thousands of years ago by secluded mountains, deserts and caves. The training will help the seeker clarify his own needs and preferences in the vast realm of the spirit. It will allow you to avoid making mistakes, the cost of which could be many wasted years. It will allow you to breathe in the air of the high worlds - without fear of suffocation. Personal growth trainings usually set goals that are not infinitely lofty, but quite practical and meaningful for anyone striving for happiness and success. Sometimes it happens that, having reached certain heights in one area or another - be it in business, professional skill, science or sports, in building a family, home and personal life, a person discovers that he has completely lost sight of other aspects of existence, and now We constantly come across unprocessed, or even completely incomprehensible, problems and recurring situations. And although we are often in captivity of false ideas that it’s too late to learn, nothing can be changed, they say it’s better to leave everything as it is and roll further along the rut - but if you still give yourself a little more attention and perseverance, then everything things will get better. Usually the first pain is problems of interpersonal communication. Misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones, conflicts, quarrels, and constant stress associated with this. Or problems in the material sphere due to a lack of skills in setting and achieving goals, systems thinking, handling money, low self-motivation and creativity in creating your own future. Learn to comprehensively analyze and resolve problems of this kind, transform stress and aggression into the energy of development, fill life with meaning and content, master effective strategies for communication, influence, self-regulation, conflict resolution, counseling and support for your loved ones. The goals are tempting. After all, this will make you an even more interesting, effective and pleasant person to communicate with, will help you open new horizons and take your life to a qualitatively new level of joy. Life is pleasant. If you try a little. MAGELLANIC CLOUDS Have you ever, being an out-of-the-box and thoughtful person, ever thought about all the infinite variety of psychological, mystical, spiritual, and other practices existing on Earth? Paths and paths leading from yourself to yourself? Stretched arrows of directed will, aiming at the heart of one’s own spirit. Exercises aimed at self-knowledge and development of soul movements? Perhaps you are familiar with them, have practiced some, or maybe very many of them. If this is so, then you have probably already formulated questions for yourself more than once: what are the reasons for the endless diversity, is there a hidden structure in it, or is all this just a chaotic accumulation of systems and methods created by peoples who covered the earth with a motley mosaic of cultures. What did you do with the answers that you gave yourself? Like Magellan, who raised his gaze to the heights to see the constellations of the heavens of another previously unknown hemisphere, scatterings of countless stars of the spiritual sky appeared to us. And next to them, as a light shadow, barely noticeable, clouds of interstellar fog perched. The navigator did not know that it was not fog in front of him - but the reflection of incredible in its grandeur clusters of stars, each of which contained billions of suns. Likewise, a spiritual traveler, having lost a familiar star in the lands of overseas teachings, will easily consider the great treasures of distant heavens to be a fog woven from words. How to recognize the treasure of the spirit? And having recognized its shining scattering, choose among the variety of paths exactly the one that approaches your threshold? Something that will turn out to be not just another exoticism that beckoned us with its short-lived brightness, but will enter into life, making it rich and spicy with the wisdom that makes its way into us. What will be a meaningful and inspiring path for us to the heights of Mastery? How to not only get acquainted with new practices - but alsosave yourself? Find what is truly yours, while maintaining an interest in foreign cultures, in something different, deep and full of meaning? Like ancient sailors on unknown seas, participants in self-knowledge trainings will make an exciting journey through the practices and traditions of various civilizations, countries and cultures. They will penetrate into the secret laboratories of medieval alchemists and magicians, into the caves of the Himalayan yogis and Tibetan monasteries, will meet the sunrise with the shamans of ancient Africa and Polynesia, will fly over the mysterious Dream Worlds of the Toltecs and Mayans, will pass along the invisible chain of spheres of existence of Kabbalah, so that they will be renewed and full of knowledge and strength to return to our everyday world. The greatest adventure awaits you! Join us...THE HEART OF THE MIND Have you ever found yourself at the mercy of emotions? At such a moment, did you want not only to control yourself, but to control your soul completely? Don't pretend, don't play. Do not pretend that you feel what is appropriate to demonstrate. And to be as it is worthy and true to be. The ability to not only control oneself, as politicians and actors do, but to actually become a true master in one’s home, in the world of one’s feelings, thoughts and emotions is achievable! It is possible to order and select of your own free will, based on the decision of the spirit, and not a random affect, exactly those states, feelings and emotions that you need. How to become your own rightful owner, ceasing to be a funny toy in the hands of faceless, or, on the contrary, very specific , and not always, as you know, benevolent forces of the outside world and your own raging subconscious? How to ride your own Mind and rush from everyday life, worries and troubles, to shining peaks full of greatness? What seems impossible is real and possible. Let's awaken the Heart of the Mind that sleeps in us! We will find our way there, into the hidden depths of the conscious and subconscious mind, where its pulse continuously beats! Let's take with a strong hand the secret levers that control emotions and dreams, awareness and beliefs, sensations and feelings. And we will do this not in many decades, which would inevitably be required on the path of classical yoga, auto-training and self-hypnosis. Combining the ancient knowledge of the masters of China and Tibet with the latest achievements of modern depth psychology and its advanced directions, such as neocode and neurosemantics, DHE and quantum psychology, gives results that the greatest yogis of past centuries could only dream of! Moreover, in a completely acceptable and foreseeable time frame. This is exactly what we call real progress! It's not just a steam locomotive that can go faster. The mind and heart are capable of discovering new abysses of energy and knowledge. Not ersatz, not dilapidated over thousands of years, the exploits of adepts who have sunk into dust await us. Let's use the best we have today! The adventure is worth it - and the result will speak for itself. WAYS OF DREAMING Do you dream? What are they about? What do you do with them? What are they, what is their source - the past, everyday life, fantasies and unfulfilled desires, unfinished business and plans, or are they not from our world at all? Who is the invisible Master who creates and destroys their mysterious and alluring reality every night? Ancient gods, or the forces of the subconscious, the memory of the past, or secret knowledge of the future, the collective mind of the universe, or invisible, but very real, creatures of other dimensions and worlds? Have you tried to control your dreams? Or at least somehow interpret them, bring with their help new awareness and clarity into the affairs of everyday life, and maybe even control the very course of things, finding hidden levers to control them in the mysterious and foggy world of dreams? If this is so - or could to become like this, if you had a little more determination, time, and the necessary skills and information - then the Paths and Labyrinths of Dreams program is your guide to the mysterious world of new ones associated with understanding and managing the mysterious state of dreams, possibilities, awareness, powers and discoveries. Do you know how many discoveries, decisions and understandings that changed the course of history and the modern world were obtained from them?.