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From the author: Visiting Alexander Khurgin “WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN...” I don’t know, dear readers, what can be said about the person, u. whom I interviewed, I don’t know how I feel about this person, whether I understand him or not, whether I believe him or not, whether I feel sympathy or am afraid. Therefore, I won’t say anything. Is that: today in the living room of TD - Natalya Demchenko...Hello, Natasha. Hello. Natasha, one of your interviews was published under the heading “Meeting with a miracle.” Are you really a miracle! Would you like me to answer “yes”? To be honest, I would really like to. But I can pose the question more specifically: Who are you? Who do you consider yourself to be - a fortune teller, a soothsayer, a palmist! The simplest thing that can be is to give yourself assessments. Let's assume that I am a predictor, a predictor of the future. Or fate. Although “fate” sounds somewhat pretentious, and I don’t really like this formulation. And how for the first time a person understands that he is a predictor! This does not happen suddenly. At first you don’t pay attention to the fact that what you predicted in passing comes true, but then this happens more and more often and it is no longer possible not to notice the obvious. Then you understand what has been given to you. Well, I had teachers in my life, although they taught not specifically, but in secret. That’s probably why they taught you something. Your three pillars are palmistry, psychoanalysis, Tarot cards, plus intuition. What do you call intuition? Well, there are actually many more whales, but intuition for me is when you feel another person, when you immerse yourself in him, dissolve (here, by the way, you truly understand what sublimation is), you become him and at the same time, you see, as if from the outside, what awaits him. Palmistry, Tarot cards - this I can still somehow - with difficulty - understand. But why are you asking to bring photographs of your relatives? And they show genetic tendencies - both tendencies to diseases and to all sorts of addictions and deviations. In addition, the karmic dependence of generations is visible. Do you use any kind of literature in your work? Now I practically don’t use specialized literature, I studied it well at one time, but fiction, say, the existentialists - Sartre, Camus - give me a lot a lot, and sometimes they reveal such depths of human essence that it cannot be compared with any bare theory. God did not allow man to know the future. By predicting it, you are interfering with God's plan. Aren't you afraid of punishment for this? Well, even without this I will have something to receive punishment for. One sin more, one less... But is it really a sin to correct a person’s fate, to help him follow the best path offered by fate? After all, all this is done in line with his desires, inclinations, and capabilities. In an interview, you once said that you do not come into conflict with God. You can choose whether to come into conflict with God or not? Are you equal? ​​Of course not. I, let’s say modestly, am trying to be God’s helper and, if necessary, correct his plan. Does this answer satisfy you? Of course, I love modest people. Natasha, in the same interview you said: “In my personal life there is a lot that contradicts Divine institutions, but in my work I adhere to ethics that are very close to Christian.” Can a person divide himself? Here - stick to it, here - not? I think maybe. Moreover, obviously, my personal life is not very good, because I give a lot to others and have very little good left for myself. Or there is nothing left at all. This is where my division comes in. And even without that, it happens that a person is one in work, another in life. Take the actors. A scoundrel in life may well play positive characters. And vice versa also happens. By the way, about Christian ethics. Do you care what faith the person resorts to your help? Yes. Doesn't matter. Although my colleagues say that it is difficult to work with the unbaptized, it is difficult to remove the evil eye, damage... Do you do this? No. I have a narrow specialization. I sew buttons. To the buttonsany complaints? They stand to death, you can’t tear them off. Natasha, do you often make mistakes in your predictions? I’m wrong, of course. But rarely. In my opinion, you burned people like that at the stake in the Middle Ages... Well, we agreed. No, that’s true, by the way. You believe that you are benefiting people. What does it consist of? Yes, at least in the fact that a person, completely crushed by circumstances, lost, leaves me, having the strength to live on and do what he is meant to do. And he does. Previously I couldn’t, I wasn’t capable, but after I work with him, he becomes capable. Sometimes even I don't expect such results from him. And besides, I have a lot of saved marriages to my credit; it happened that I warned about danger in time and the person happily avoided it. It brought me out of depression and cured me from unhappy love. Not enough? Not enough at all. Natasha, what do people mostly come to you for and who is more of a man or a woman? Of course more - women, but almost everyone comes for the same thing and I often know by the way a person rings the doorbell what and why he came. Most of all they go about personal, intimate matters - love, marriage, divorce, sometimes sexual deviations. Regarding matters that are important at this stage of life - this is, say, going abroad, business success and everything connected with it. They are coming for me to make a diagnosis. Lately, businessmen have been looking for the results of a possible deal. But working with them is difficult and dangerous. You can make enemies. You predict that a golden shower is expected in October, October comes - they immediately call - where? And when, on what date will it take place. How long in advance do you predict? I can for the rest of my life. Have you predicted the fate of any famous person! Political, for example. Yes. Completely by accident and without knowing who was in front of me. I only recently began to recognize some politicians by sight, I am too far from their field of activity. And who was that lucky guy! It was Sobchak. Normal. And your prediction came true? More than that. That is, politicians can turn to you instead of participating in elections and spending taxpayers' money on it! I don't want to offend anyone, but many politicians are involved in politics by accident. And their hand says nothing. This was once upon a time, Nero, Alexander the Great, Napoleon - everything was written on his hand. Now it’s not the same. “Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe.” The fact of the matter is that there were people not in our time. No, seriously, the hand of Soviet (and post-Soviet) people cannot be interpreted by classical palmistry. Therefore, we have to use other methods, more synthetic ones. Natasha, an indiscreet question. Do you take any money for your work? It’s free to get treatment, let alone find out your future... In general, what I do is work, and work that requires complete dedication. If you have two hours between visitors, you cannot start doing laundry or cleaning; you must constantly maintain a working state that allows you to enter into another person, understand him and help him. But it happens that I help for free. Don’t you think that a person who has found out his future has already paid and is already punished for this? Isn’t it a punishment to find out, say, the day of your death? The word “death” is not in my vocabulary. So, don’t you predict death if you see a doomed person in front of you? No, I try to somehow lead the person away from doom. But if you... then you hide it, you take on the role of, to some extent, a higher being, determining what a person can know and what he cannot. Do you feel this right? I feel it because I use it for the benefit of those who come to me. After all, this is not even a white lie, it is sometimes silence, sometimes softening the blow, preparation for troubles, it is, in the end, instilling hope in a person. Does the fate of a person somehow depend on the person himself or is everything predetermined? It very much depends. More than many people think. Otherwise, there would be no reason to live. Tell me, do you know your own destiny? Approximately. But it's hard to be objective about yourself. I want to add some honey. That is, to predict for myself.