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Method of delay and distraction. As you know, a passionate desire is like a wave: it rises and then subsides. What to do? When you feel that the wave of desire is growing, just watch it, delay the fulfillment of the desire ( I'll do it later). Watch how the wave of desire reaches a peak and then begins to subside. Praise yourself for not giving in to the desire. Find yourself an activity that will distract you from the addiction (it is better that it is incompatible with the addiction) .Track thoughts associated with addiction. Anticipating - promising positive emotions associated with addiction: “I’ll call him and we’ll talk,” “I’ll just see what’s new on his social networks,” “I’ll have a drink and I’ll relax,” “I’ll smoke a cigarette and I’ll get it.” pleasure", .Relieving: "I'll try to write - maybe it will make me feel better", "I can't start the day without a cigarette", "I feel so bad, I need to relax." Permissive: "well, I'll try to talk to him for the last time", "well, I can drink”, “well, one cigarette won’t do anything”, . Techniques for working with thoughts and beliefs: Remember situations when your expectations were not met. Tell yourself: “stop, I’m deceiving myself again.” “Remember how it happened last time and what it led to.” Think about the consequences in a few years: “what will happen to me if I continue.” Are these thoughts useful? ? Can they improve the quality of your life? Do my thoughts help me achieve what I want? How can I think more effectively in such a situation? What thoughts and beliefs will help me avoid a breakdown? What evidence is there that my thought is correct? What is the evidence that the thought is not true? What explanation or alternative thought can stop me, protect me from a breakdown? What would I advise a friend to do in such a situation? How else can I look at this situation differently? What can they do? bring such thoughts? What can I do in this situation, what constructive (useful for me) action can I take? What evidence of the truth of this thought? What evidence is there to the contrary? What's the worst that could happen? Will I be able to survive this? What will happen if I change my thinking?