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We meet open people - they can be happy for you and can argue with you - and everything is open with them, they are easy, they have nothing to hide. Because they do not hide and are not afraid of that dark part that torments a person so much, and because of which He is so difficult to communicate with himself and with others. The dark part makes him strain to hide it. He is sure that this part is shameful and only he has it. Light people always joke about their dark part - the goal is to look at it and stop being afraid of it. And when one’s dark part does not frighten one and there is no need to hide it, then a person is easy to communicate with, in life, he is at ease with himself. Concealment manifests itself in closedness from people, in insincerity, a person cannot be hospitable. He is rather aggressive and angry. And all because he cannot be happy for another - to take the first step to illuminate his black part. I was not happy for another person once, then a second, then a third, and so it became a habit, and a heavy bag of my own black part accumulated, and pulled the bag is in despair, melancholy: nothing pleases, the body and soul are lifeless. But it seems that life is dull, boring, angry. It seems that all space is without life - both outside and inside. Such a person, without even realizing it, carries lifelessness within himself. In everyday life it looks like this, for example: 1. A heavy woman: everyone is sick in advance if they are waiting for her to come, because she will come and hand out things and demand the fulfillment of some meaningless, super-valuable instructions - to put mugs in the cabinet on the left or right, etc. . to infinity. A difficult man: everyone gets in the way, everyone says the wrong thing, they didn’t do something, and if they did it, they need to redo it, they did it badly, you don’t know how to do it, I would show you, but there’s no time and in general it’s none of my business, I’m busy, I have more responsible tasks. Moreover, difficult people can be socially sufficient - and a job with good pay, reads, looks well-groomed, clean and tidy, polite. But it’s stuffy and heavy. Therefore, in childhood, in order to develop ease of communication, adults begin by showing an example of HOW one should be happy for another, and only on this basis is empathy and the habit of encouraging the interlocutor built. Then humor becomes accessible, and the person who can be the first to laugh at himself is valued - at his tediousness and ideas, the purpose of which is to subjugate others, to show his superiority, naively believing that they do not understand why he needs this. They, of course, so as not to upset the company, can play his game with the bore - but it’s better not to risk it for the bore, because they won’t play a second time, and he risks being left alone. F.M. revealed this idea deeply. Dostoevsky using the example of the Karamazov brothers. Ivan is tortured by his black part, and he sees the devil, Ivan understood that he does not like people, and he betrayed his brother Dmitry (he did not stop him when he went to his father, although he knew that it was NO LONGER possible to go there). Dmitry is very He is an open person, but sometimes his dark part breaks through and outweighs the light one. Alexey is a bright person, and the dark part does not bother him, but questions arise. The writer called the dead black part of a person Karamazovism. Karamazovism is dislike for people, because a person cannot laugh at himself - at his own devil in his soul, and therefore can follow the lead of the black part, believing that this black part is the truth of life. Dear reader! Let's exchange opinions on this matter. Contact me for help not only if you want to solve your problem, but also if you want a higher quality of your life, to achieve greater success in all areas of life. Appointment only SMS +79119887123, WhatsApp.