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Ideally, our brain is designed in such a way that both hemispheres should interact harmoniously and complement each other. In practice, usually in certain people only the development of one of the hemispheres, causal or synchronistic thinking, “either, or,” predominates. Moreover, the same applies to cultures and civilizations; there has always been and is a certain “bias” in one direction or another. Past lost civilizations actively used the right, irrational, creative hemisphere of the brain, and eventually died; in our time, the other extreme prevails - the fanatical use of only the left, logical hemisphere; we can say that our modern civilization is “left-hemisphere”. And again there is no harmony in the structure of cultures and societies, again there is a certain extreme, we again do not see the “whole picture”, the whole puzzle, and again we face the threat of the death of civilization due to ignorance, a twenty-year lag in the study of the brain from all other scientific disciplines. Let's talk about the characteristics of psychological problems in people with one or another predominance of thinking. 1) Excessive predominance of the right hemisphere in thinking: developed fantasy, imagination, creativity, innovation, musicality: Tendency to schizotypal spectrum disorders, anxiety neuroses, depression, manic-depressive psychosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., when the potential of the right hemisphere is not used fully or inharmoniously, the brain’s energy is directed not into creation, but into strengthening and multiplying imaginary fears and phobias. Personality traits: often naive, infantile, kind, soft, sometimes hysterical people, prone to empathy and receiving psychological trauma from unempathetic people, suspicious, inclined to generalize everything, to see some hidden subtext in everything, synchronistic, symbolic, metaphorical thinking. In a developed form: engines of evolution, science, civilization, innovators, inventors, altruists, intuitives. 2) Excessive predominance of the left hemisphere in thinking: logical, conservative, following clearly established rules, pedantry, cynicism, submission to systems and structures with a clearly established hierarchy, the desire for hierarchy, some kind of systematicity in everything, a logical explanation of even irrational phenomena: Tendency to narcissism, lack of empathy, narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder due to excessive desire for logic and mathematical order, depression due to suppression of the irrational, emotional part of oneself personality, increased anxiety, when something outside “falls out of the usual schemes and scenarios”, attempts to logically organize everything again, “to attach a label”. Personality traits: cynical, sometimes aggressive, or, on the contrary, overly calm, somewhat inhibited people, unempathetic, often self-confident, striving for leadership, to take the top in the logical hierarchy of society by any means, good strategists, practitioners. In a developed form: active figures of civilization, those who give innovation a real soil and basis, a materialistic basis, those who are able to bring rationality to chaos, and find “the way in the darkness of the unconscious” with the help of logic, strategies, the backbone of society and civilization, “the frame of the house of civilization,” the publishers of laws, rules and norms. Ideally, both hemispheres should interact in a harmonious combination in one person; music, for example, playing the piano, develops the hemispheres very well. Each hand playing the keys metaphorically “plays the brain,” bringing it into a harmonious state. But in practice, many children are sent to music school against their wishes, and this does not give the desired effect. How long will our logical “left-hemisphere” civilization last, or will it also end, like the “right-hemisphere” civilizations of the past? Everything depends on ourselves, on how much the human brain is studied, the awareness of society grows, on the tuning of our brain - the “genius musical.