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...And now, let’s get to know each other better. -How old are you? - Perhaps we are about the same age, I’m not at the age when I need to hide it, but I look in such a way that I can’t be proud of it. - I won’t hide it, yours The topic is unusual for me, I don’t work with sexual problems, but I’m also a mother and I also have an adult daughter. Have you talked to your daughter about sexual topics before? Or rather, you and her generally talked about sex. - No, at first she was little, then we didn’t see each other much, then she came when I was already in bed, and I left when she was still sleeping. I didn’t notice how she had already become a woman. Then she got married. - Is she still married? - No, she’s in a relationship. That's what it's called now. She does not have a person who is ready to take responsibility for this relationship. But there is a person who is ready to spend the night with her. - Why does this bother you? What would you like to find out for yourself? - I want her to be happy. I want to teach her how to behave in bed with a man. I know how to become the most special in a man's life. One that he won't be able to forget. You can help me, teach her. Or maybe you can tell me how to start a conversation with her. - Eey? - The fact is that, despite the fact that I myself know and understand everything, because we are colleagues, I cannot cope with this task alone. I just need to talk about this. That is, to get out of the circle of this problem. I know what you will tell me, but I need to hear it. - Okay, why do you think that she knows nothing about sex, doesn’t know how to behave in bed? - I FEEL - She’s not married, she doesn’t have a lover . She's not in love. She has vague ideas about orgasm. And yet... we learned sex intuitively. We felt and listened to each other. We exchanged our findings with our friends under great secrecy. We watched our loved one’s behavior. And today's youth learn about sex from pornographic films. Right? - Exactly! - Yes, and they don’t pay attention to the fact that porn is intended only for men. To excite men. And the way they show it doesn’t happen in life. And since sex scenes are shown in movies, this is also very rare. I'm not talking about erotica. I mean scenes when partners throw themselves at each other and finish - orgasm at the same time. - I understand...On the one hand, you want to tell her about the technique of sex, and on the other hand, explain that sex without love is deception, vulgarity, lust. Do you want to teach her to love? - I don’t know, probably so. - Do you know how to love yourself? - I think so. - Then we have a chance for success... Let's start with you. And first of all, let's restore relations with dad and mom. Renegotiating the relationship will take some time. Even though you've already done this, let's start from scratch. Then the work will go faster. -You can offer me some new method. I have already tried a lot... - There are many methods, but the basis is the same - love yourself, pray sincerely. Not the way they do it in a religious temple, not the way others do it, but the way only you know how. - Pray? -Yes, but this prayer must be sincere. Just don't ask for anything material. She must be selfless. - And then? - Then talk to your parents the same way..