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From the author: A. G. Belyaev, NLP practitioner, coach, highly qualified manager (MBA), director of the consulting company "El - Consul". Natalia Lipatova (Muzaleva). The search for harmony and balance with oneself is not only a popular trend, but also a vital necessity of a modern person. However, the experience of many people shows that finding this desired harmony will not help just the right book or going to a yoga class, you need numerous, regularly performed, systemic actions. We are who we are, and everything about us, including what we believe in, how we motivate ourselves, whether we trust ourselves and the world around us - all this and much more is part of the feeling of balance and harmony. Everything is in our head, soul and heart. I will give, in my opinion, 10 key rules that can help restore and maintain your balance, which are worth remembering and reminding yourself every day.1. Relaxation after stress. Balance is a constant movement towards a satisfying state.2. Time to be with yourself and accept yourself, awareness.3. Self-confidence.4. Trust in the world.5. Regular cleaning and cleaning (external and internal).6. Doing what you want, like, inspire, what you dream about.7. Getting pleasure from the process and results of maintaining and restoring balance8. Regular physical movement in a state of pleasure: sports, music, dancing.9. Harmonization of the rhythms of nature and the internal rhythms of a person - coordination and use of individual characteristics of fullness of energy at different times of the day, time of year, coordination with physical activity and nutrition. 10. Being in a state of love, pleasure, joy, openness to new experiences, in constant learning and development .As a colorful and vivid example of how important it is to find and maintain balance in life, I bring to your attention an essay by a client who was able to find her own ways to restore pleasure in life through maintaining balance and continues to replenish them: “I am writing only based on my experience , I hope it will be useful to someone)) How to get out of the state of constant emotional swing? There are very sensitive people who are easily emotionally involved in a variety of life situations, and I considered myself one of them. On the one hand, I liked it, but on the other hand. another - any little thing could upset me, offend me and I could “chew” already accomplished events in my head for hours. For many, many years I was looking for a way out, a way to get rid of this and found it when I wasn’t thinking about it at all. After going through several offline and online meeting sessions, reading several books, watching films on the recommendation of Alexander Belyaev, I realized that my desires, whatever they may be, are my desires and my ideas about life, but life does not have to meet my expectations. I realized that my desires are part of me. And if they exist, then there is a need for their implementation. And this need is the same as eating, drinking and sleeping! When I allowed myself to implement them, starting with the most basic ones, the emotional background improved and the further, the more lasting this improvement was. How did it happen? Simple)) I just started “listening” to my feelings in my soul, in my body, in my chest, when I realize my desires. The key is how exactly you feel when you think about what you want to have or do. If this is a feeling of compression, stiffness, tension, then it means you don’t need the thing or you’re not doing what you really want. You want it with your head, but the unconscious resists (for various reasons). And if you feel drive, pleasure, expansion, warmth inside - this is it! That state, that feeling that says you are on the right path. The more often you do this, the faster the answer comes, the clearer this feeling inside becomes and you can no longer confuse it with anything. The more often you allow yourself to do what you want, what causes a feeling of happiness and pleasure, the faster you will come to a more -less: