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Who is a strong man? What criteria are used to evaluate? Physical superiority or... Let's say, if we start from the fact that everything is relative, then in a couple where a man beats his wife, who is a priori physically weaker, he can be considered a strong person? Definitely not! In the stated question, the emphasis is not on the individual, but on the Person; Personalities! In the above example, the man plays the role of weak and insignificant. A strong man will never raise his hand against someone who is obviously weak; Moreover, he will not stoop to humiliation, insults, or harsh jokes. Only a weakling, taking advantage of a fortunate advantage, would want to “leave out” like this: he knows that there will be no resistance and no equivalent return. So who is a strong man? What adjectives are associated with this formulation? Brave, persistent, hardy?... From my point of view, what defines a Strong Man is that he is not afraid to face his own fears, complexes, and monster thoughts. Figuratively speaking, after a strong fall, it is not enough to just pick up and get up; first of all, it is important to find the strength to move on. Strong - will help another; will not abandon you in trouble, and will not turn away; he doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone: the challenge “Are you weak?!” addressed to him will certainly remain unanswered. A Strong Person is, first of all, a strong Personality, with all the accompanying “components”. Have you noticed how many people pretend to be strong, and if something happens, they become pitiful and helpless: like a defenseless kitten abandoned in the rain. There are many individuals; but there are only a few of those who can safely be considered a Human! The message of this post is the following: by adding non-existent virtues to yourself or someone else, relationships and quality of life will definitely not improve! The concept of a Strong Man has nothing to do with physical advantage. Strong is the one who knows how to curb the raging passions within himself; and without relying on false ideas “I can’t!”; “They owe me”; will get himself out of any trouble on his own. He will not “rot” if there is a “rotten person” nearby; For such, the Strong have immunity. The path to nowhere is to sincerely believe that our happiness depends on someone else; by shifting responsibility for one's own inaction, there will be a corresponding result. Believing in yourself and awareness of your own resources are some helping tools that are always at hand for each of us. And it is important not only to detect them in time, but also to be able to apply them in practice. Only this way there will be fewer embittered, surrogate, and unhappy people, and more strong and happy individuals!