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I have already written about believing in yourself: https://www.b17.ru/article/o_were_w_sebja/ And I focused on the influence of other people on the formation of self-confidence. Today I was again visited by thoughts about believing in myself. I wanted to share. And these reflections were based on a specific feeling of oneself, life in oneself and around, a feeling of energy and a surge of strength, even some excitement! And these sensations push to specific actions, to the desire to work, engage in creativity, communicate with people you like. Which is exactly what I did. But what does self-confidence have to do with it? And despite the fact that it is she who allows you to get off the couch and start doing all this. After all, every action is a step into the unknown. And the unknown is scary. How to start a conversation with the person you like? What if I am intrusive, and what if he pushes me away? How to expose your thoughts just like that for everyone to see? What if someone laughs, devalues ​​it, calls it stupid? And a million other fears block the path to the desire to live... That is, if you don’t believe in yourself. If you think that if all these fears come true, then there will be nothing left of me except a nervous lump trembling in the cold wind in a hostile world. Which anyone from above can point a finger at! And some experience suggests that this has already happened. I was such a lump. But there is another experience. The experience of communicating with friends who were close to me, although I was far from sparkling with positivity. Experience working with a psychotherapist. The experience of one’s own immersion and pulling oneself out of this state through an outburst of emotions and a sober look at oneself. And much more. Grasping at all sorts of straws and breaking nails. And she pulled it out! And as a result, I gained the experience of strength and self-help, and not just the experience of fear and pain. And this is the experience of recognizing your real self, your depths. After all, you don’t just recognize yourself, only by meeting with what you’ve hidden from others and yourself all your life can you understand who I really am. But you can only face this through pain. And the impacts of the surrounding world in this situation are only beneficial. Because if everything doesn’t seem so bad, it’s tolerable, you can run from yourself all your life. And not really live. So now I'm not so scared. Well, they will refuse. Well, they won't understand. Well, it will hurt me. But I am able to cope with this. It's much worse not to even try. Sincere thanks for my difficult experience. Now that the sores have been licked a little, I feel that I can take the risk. And I want to take a risk. I believe that there are people who are interested in me and my thoughts. And I believe that if other people are with me, I will be able to survive this. I know how. And life won't end there. And I might make a mistake and do something wrong. Maybe in a fit of emotion or simply from fatigue. Nothing, then I’ll try to fix everything and again I’ll have experience. All this doesn’t mean that I’m not scared. But interest and desire are stronger than fear. Self-confidence is not the absence of fear and a feeling of one’s own ideality, by no means. This is knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses and the desire to live and take steps into the unknown. And at the same time feel excitement, a surge of strength and curiosity. Whatever this unknown turns out to be!