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From the author: Good evening! Every week I meet new clients. Many of them are seeing a psychologist for the first time. When I ask my traditional question: “How are you feeling now?”, people may not immediately answer it. This happens not only because difficulties in recognizing one’s emotions are one of the most global psychological problems of humanity, as I am no longer mentioned it once before. Two other completely natural causes of confusion are anxiety and tension, which people often experience when faced with something unknown, but significant in their lives. Today I want to clarify the main questions that may arise in a person who decides to consult a specialist. ... “What will happen?”……“What should I say?”……“Can he help me?”……“As a stranger about something that I have never told anyone before?”……“Do I have a serious problem at all, or am I just Will I waste my money and other people’s time?”…All these and many other questions can be spinning in the head of the person sitting in front of me. I know about it! Therefore, in the first five minutes after the start of the meeting, I myself ask the client questions that will allow him to feel the ground under his feet and will not allow him to launch into an anxious monologue. It is very important to return to the moment “here-and-now” so that the therapist’s communication with the client takes place in the present , and not in the past tense. We will definitely find a solution to the issue. Here. In this office. He brought it with him, inside himself, or more precisely, in his head. My questions and his story will allow us to make clear the limitations and obstacles that he also carries with him everywhere. It is they who hide from his awareness the true causes of symptoms, problems, conflicts and lack of harmony. What are these causes? Himself too. More precisely, what makes up his personality. That which makes it whole. I will repeat again what I am deeply convinced of: 95% of the cause of anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, etc., is not the object that triggered this reaction, but what rose up and straightened shoulders inside the person experiencing all this. A pretty accurate metaphor for what I want to say just now occurred to me! Remember the cartoon about Aladdin or any other fairy tale about a magic lamp. Imagine the genie that grew out of the lamp as soon as you rubbed it. Just let it not be the kind and funny blue Genie, voiced by Robin Williams. Let's imagine an evil and vengeful Genie, just waiting for the opportunity to deceive his owner and break free... Did it work? So, the person with whom we argue, who annoys us so much or makes us feel insignificant, is actually just rubbing the “magic” lamp! Exactly! And the evil and jealous genie, who appears from the clouds of dark and acrid smoke after this, is our Critic, whom only we can see. More precisely, we think that our opponent is this genie, since their figures coincide - we “transfer” this imaginary image to a real person. Looking ahead, I will say that it is the image of this “genie” that will be our main focus in therapy target for destruction. Another task is to identify the client’s deep needs, the implementation of which will make him happy. And the therapist during consultations will use his entire enormous arsenal of knowledge and techniques in order to make it possible to fulfill these tasks in therapy. Some of the needs can be satisfied to some extent already in sessions. But in the near future, the client himself will find ways and opportunities for this, strengthening his Healthy part with each meeting in therapy. Soon he will no longer need the regular support of a consultant, and he will reveal his entire enormous potential of energy, talent and imagination towards life! This is an interesting and exciting process not only for the client, but also for the therapist himself! This is why I love my job so much! Accompanying every person on this path is a great honor and joy for me! Although this requires a great investment of one’s own mental and moral strength,!