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Often, most of us do not always understand when exactly the moment of 100% completion of the relationship with our partner has arrived. It is extremely difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Only if there is physical violence or obvious moral (emotional) violence with elements of gaslighting in the relationship, then you can safely answer in the affirmative. Ideally, you need to analyze each individual case in detail, taking into account the behavior of both partners and their personal life periods. After all, many people do not forgive betrayal and finally break off relations with their partner. However, there are different options for the subsequent development of events. There are couples who, after cheating, begin to go to a family psychologist or independently work hard on themselves and their relationships. And this joint work contributes to their rapprochement, deep understanding and acceptance of each other. Therefore, many things are not always obvious. Therefore, you should always analyze the true reasons for the negative behavior of your chosen one, as well as your own judgments, demands and actions towards him. You can only assume various reasons for the final breakup of relations with your partner. You should definitely ask yourself the following questions before making a decision to break up: “How do I feel with my chosen one most of the time?” And feel what your state is next to him, and not for the last period of time, but for the entire time of your relationship. Almost all people go through periods of disappointment, boredom, loss of strong sexual attraction to a person who previously evoked brighter and stronger emotions. And this is absolutely normal. But if you understand that after the end of the “honeymoon” period you are not just bored, but feel bad and uncomfortable next to a man, and this lasts a long time, then you should think about it. In this case, it is also useful to consider other factors that may significantly influence the deterioration of your condition. For example, various age-related crises, job loss, moving to another country, death of loved ones and other life trials that can unsettle everyone for a long time. The second question you should ask yourself: “What is happening to my self-esteem and self-respect in these relationships ?If they are significantly smaller than they were before the relationship with this person, then this is a clear sign that something is going wrong. In strong and healthy relationships, partners usually flourish with each other, often feeling even better than before started dating. Often, during a relationship, they simultaneously grow in other areas that are important to them. The third question that you should ask yourself: “Am I moving towards my goals and plans in this relationship or am I following other people’s guidelines? Are my life goals and values ​​compatible with my chosen one?” And ideally, you need to notice how much you and your person are looking in the same direction. It is very important to see this world from one perspective, having common values ​​with a person. Many people confuse values ​​and interests. Interests may differ with your partner. After all, you can complement each other perfectly, accepting the other’s hobbies, while maintaining your own. But the values ​​that are most significant to you in life should be generally similar. Otherwise, there will be constant reasons for disagreements and conflicts. Most people usually have two extremes in relationships: trying to put up with the unacceptable or having illusory ideas about marriage. Some people suffer in relationships for a long time because of their habit of tolerating, comparing their relationships with those who have them even worse. When they compare their couple with others, they can always find excuses for unacceptable attitudes or behavior on the part of their partner. And they usually reassure themselves that their spouse does not beat me, does not get drunk every weekend, is not jealous of me at every post... Therefore, they can deeply suffer from insults, humiliations and bullying of their partner +7 (965) 015 22 12