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From the author: To help my clients in answer to their frequent question: “How to react to your emotions?” and still stay in a relationship? Have you ever thought about this question: how to react to your emotions? When did discontent, anger, resentment accumulate...? What to do? Of course, you can explode, send and even hit in the face! Sometimes these unconstructive measures may even be necessary, especially in a male environment. But how to express negative feelings constructively, without destroying relationships, and remaining at peace with yourself?! This is a task that has to be solved daily! You can suppress your feelings without realizing it this, and this is what most people do most often, becoming increasingly irritated by a lack of understanding of what is happening, accumulating grievances against others. Suppressed aggression increases daily, which everyone copes with as best they can: going to work, alcohol, TV, gluttony, computer games, other addictions, terrorist attacks, etc. And if this is a child’s aggression towards a teacher, or even worse, parents , which cannot be expressed at all? What to do then? And this process is always inevitable, in every family. and this can be clearly seen in children’s trainings! And there are constructive methods of expressing aggression! Of course, you can express it in words. In practice, this is not entirely simple, since first you need to recognize the feeling, then understand why it arose, and then also talk about it. This algorithm seems very long and incomprehensible, and in itself may initially cause resistance. Those. you have to learn and practice this. There are other, simpler ways of expressing feelings, perhaps they will surprise you: - writing out feelings (can be in the form of letters, SMS...), - drawing them, - sculpting, - writing and/or playing fairy tales , - interaction with images (representation of an image of an emotion, for example, in the form of a natural element) - interaction with pictures, toys, - games (group, board, with objects, etc.) and some other methods. And then the process occurs through contact with the body, and the body, as you know, is the temple of the Soul! All these methods can be mastered by working with a psychologist and can be used with pleasure for both children and adults! However, this is not taught in schools, and most parents consider drawing, modeling, games, and even more so contact with a fairy tale, are absolutely useless activities, preferring to carefully pore over lessons, attend additional classes, tutors, etc. And accumulated fatigue, aggression, a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, fears greatly interfere with the processes of learning at school, communication, achieving goals! For example, during trainings you can relax, be in contact with the body, heal fears, acquire new knowledge and skills in simple games and exercises, and interaction with peers is especially important for children! Almost always, both in personal therapy and during trainings, I I use drawing! And I conduct 5-7-day drawing intensives, because drawing techniques are very simple, diagnostic, have an indecently powerful effect on internal processes and are convenient, including for the independent response of emotions. For example, the famous teacher I. Disterweg believed: “The one who draws, gets more in one hour than someone who just watches for nine hours.” ...And everyone will boldly draw Everything that interests him... (V. Berestov, poet) Drawing is a type of non-verbal communication, when through a picture you can say more and more simply than with words. From my many years of practice I know that you can discuss for an hour and look for the causes of the problem (disease), coming from different angles, and the drawing reveals it in a few minutes! The drawing is a mirror of the feelings and maturity of the individual. After all, no one expects a drawing from a 3-year-old child from an adult?! As well as behavior! And this is also an indicator of how healthy our child part is? Why are some people unable or unwilling (often fear behind this) to draw? Many people don't know how. But drawing is a reflection of reality?! Why is it difficult for many to reflect it? There is free drawing. And there is work withcertain symbols through a drawing. The symbol has a certain meaning. For example, a bear, a tiger and other predators symbolize paternal protection. By learning to draw these animals, contact with your father improves (first with his internal reflection in the individual), with your security, and then fears go away. And in the drawing you can see the degree of true contact with your internal protective mechanisms: for example, in the drawing the bear may be small, wounded, sleeping, unreal, or, conversely, mature, paired with a bear and offspring. In addition, drawing is a creative process, it allows you to reason, compare, and make independent decisions! The topic of creativity is always connected with the topic of money! In the sense of not the money that may come at the cost of incredible efforts, but the money that comes quickly, easily and with pleasure. And there is enough for everything! The topic of coloring is also relevant, especially at the stages of border formation!!! Another big advantage of coloring is that here you do not draw your own picture, but paint a template. In this case, you don’t blame yourself for “not knowing how to draw.” You just draw. And you use the positive side of the drawing process - resources! Did you know that a therapeutic fairy tale, which is easily composed by clients of any age, allows you to quickly and unconsciously reconcile conflicting parts of the personality with each other and “fabulously” resolve problems that are relevant to a person? The situation is easily “encrypted” into a fairy tale, and the heroes of the conflict into fairy-tale heroes. The fairy tale begins with the words “Once upon a time...” and is written until the happy ending! I’ve seen different fairy tales: from 3 sentences to several dozen sheets with illustrations! And I always admire the result! Playing fairy-tale episodes leads to an understanding of the essence of the fairy tale, as an ideal matrix of behavior (if it is a Russian folk tale), and, accordingly, to the appropriation of those feelings, resources and strength that the chosen fairy-tale characters possess. It is possible and important to act out your own therapeutic fairy tales! You can draw them, play them with toys, or in a group. You can come up with one relevant group fairy tale and play it out with the help of toys, plasticine characters, metaphorical cards, pictures, etc. This work is very interesting, effective and resourceful! Modeling provides an amazing opportunity to model the world and your idea of ​​it in spatially plastic images. Modeling is the most tangible form of artistic creativity. You can not only see what has been created, but also touch it, pick it up and change it as necessary. The main tool in sculpting is your hands, therefore, the level of skill depends on your use of your own hands, and not with a brush, pencil or scissors. From one lump of plasticine you can create an infinite number of images, each time finding new options, easily changing shape and color. size. Also, not the least positive property of sculpting is the massage of biologically active points, important at any age! And plasticine is also an excellent material when working with aggression, especially in children and adolescents. Interaction with images is an easy and quick way to respond to emotions, although it requires certain knowledge and skills. For example, you can imagine your emotion in the form of some element or natural phenomenon, it can be any image, observe this image for a while, try to become this element and follow it: for example, it could be an erupting volcano, a hurricane, storm, etc. Try to understand how this element feels and what it wants! And do not deny yourself anything in this image of the elements: erupt, demolish trees, hit the shore, destroy... until everything calms down and the plot is transformed into a positive landscape. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to respond to negative emotions and fill yourself with resources! You can also use metaphorical cards, pictures, toys and simply surrounding objects. This is a fast and deep work, familiar and loved by many. Board games are always a group game!!