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1. Stop. Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are lowered along the body and are as relaxed as possible, like the rest of the body. Breathing is free. 2. Instant sharp breath - “clap” the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the arms are thrown out to the sides at shoulder level and retracted behind the back, the head is thrown back, the body bends as much as possible, all muscles tense to the limit. 3. Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds. 4. Exhale - instant, noisy, with the whole chest through the mouth in the shape of the letter "O". At this time, the body is thrown forward so that the outstretched arms almost reach the floor. Swing your arms crosswise (for the correct direction of the flow of energy) and return to the starting position. By this point, the muscles should be completely relaxed. 5. Breathing is free. Delay in pose - 4 seconds. 6. A series of poses 1-5 is repeated three times 7. Stand. Feet shoulder width apart. The torso is bent, arms hang, almost touching the floor. The body is relaxed, breathing is free. 8. Instant sharp inhalation - “clap” the nose, at the same time the back straightens, and the hands, clasped in a lock, forcefully rise up in a circle through the right side, behind the head. The torso bends backward as much as possible, the head is thrown back. Full tension of the whole body. 9. Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds. 10. Exhale instantly, noisily, through the mouth, with relief (reset). Rapid lowering of the arms in a circle - with a turn through the left side to the starting position. 11. Delay in the pose - 4 seconds. Breathing is free. 12. Perform a series of poses 7-11 2 times by raising your arms through the right side, 2 times - through the left. 13. Stop. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands hanging. The body is relaxed, breathing is free. 14. Instant sharp inhalation - “clap” with the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the right hand is slightly bent and thrown forward to the level of the forehead, the left one is pulled down - back, behind the back, the body turns towards the imaginary throw. The pose of a person frozen at the moment of throwing the disc is assumed. All muscles are maximally tense. Feet do not leave the floor. 15. Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds. 16. Exhale instantly, noisily, through the mouth, with a simultaneous return to the starting position, with a turn along a helical line to the right. The body is relaxed, breathing is free. 17. Delay in the pose - 4 seconds. 18. For a series of poses 13-17, throw 2 times with the right hand, 2 times with the left. 19. Lie down. Relax.