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“Children believe in Santa Claus, but at a certain age they begin to doubt. My daughter is 8 years old. One morning she asks: “Who actually buys and distributes gifts under the Christmas tree?” I, supporting the legend, answer: “A higher power!” Daughter: “Is this dad, or what?” Yes, dad for many little girls is the personification of strength, reliability, calmness, just like mom 🤗The attitude of children towards their parents can be different, but this never means that the child is someone. loves more or less. The same is true on the parent side. When there are several children in a family, you can’t say that you treat them the same? Because the children are different - because they appeared in a certain sequence and under different circumstances. Moreover, their parents were different 😉. Some got the mother of the first-born, another was a little more experienced, some got an older mother, as they say, a “conscious” mother. The child’s attitude towards you and his behavior are influenced by the quality of time spent with you. For example, one of the parents feeds, buys clothes, sits with the baby on sick leave, prohibits more, setting boundaries. More often than not, in our society this is the mother. The baby sees dad less often, dad comes home from work bored and plays with him while mom works, rests or does household chores. Of course the child will be happy about his dad. Perhaps to the stupid question “who do you love more?” he will answer "dad". And this can cause resentment. This happens because the child has not yet learned to understand different “love languages.” Dad spends quality time with him, and mom does a lot for him physically - feeds, teaches, treats, monitors his safety. So they agreed based on each other’s abilities and the capabilities of the family. The child does not understand all this yet. And the baby also understands from your behavior and attitude towards him that you love him and are not going anywhere. Therefore, he may not “remember” about you while you are busy, and he is playing with other relatives. This may mean that he trusts you, feels safe and knows that you will return, rather than that he doesn't care that you're gone and you have no value to him. It may be the other way around, when the baby does not let you go. This depends on his age and the characteristics of the development of the nervous system. Both are normal. Don’t evaluate your parenting in one day! Children are maturing, learning to understand you. If you want your baby to enjoy contact with you more, learn to speak his love language. To understand it, you can read about “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman ❤️