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Gender differences determine our behavior in society and how other people perceive us. There are differences in the thinking of men and women. Such differences within the framework of evolution are the basis for the development of humanity. If a man has a more specific thought process, men are more structured, then a woman has a creative process in her head, not exactly chaos, that is difficult to explain from the point of view of male perception. A woman is constantly in the focus of many processes, unlike a man, a woman holds various tasks and hobbies in her head, and her social environment, unlike a man’s, is wider. A woman’s inner circle includes at least 10 people with whom the woman communicates daily and closely on various issues. A woman’s mental activity is such that she needs to reflect on every thought that arises in her head. A woman will look for answers to questions on the Internet, in electronic magazines and read topics about relationships and children, career growth, recreation, health and her own beauty. For a woman, the analysis of the world is carried out through sensuality and individual perception, While men rely on logical reasoning. Doctor of Biological Sciences R.I. Aizman, together with other researchers, is studying the psychophysiological characteristics of girls 18-20 depending on their sociotype. The scientist, in his research, reveals that the peculiarities of girls’ thinking, their intuition, their sense of the world depend on psychophysiological characteristics. Studying a sample of 494 girls, R. I. Aizman examined the psychophysiological indicators of female students of the natural sciences and humanities faculties of the university. So girls who have developed verbal thinking, lovers of “talking”, aimed at social interaction, communication and strengthening social ties. However, girls who have developed research thinking are more resistant to stress. Girls who have the mindset of managers have the lowest level of motivation to achieve success, in contrast to girls who have a humanitarian orientation and developed verbal thinking. Women's thinking is rich in emotional reactions and responses to their own thoughts and inner speech. L. V. Evseeva writes in her study that emotionality is the leading channel for the perception of information. And even friendship in the understanding of women looks different from the behavioral pattern that is usual for interaction between men. Unlike men, communications between women are permeated with emotional conversations, because friendship between women is more an exchange of emotions than facts, arguments and a report of what happened and where. Women friends do not have to meet together to make a decision, just talk with each other on the phone. Friendship, from the point of view of a woman’s thinking, is a continuous, constant, round-the-clock process and it is completely unacceptable not to communicate with a friend for a long time. So, friends, in messengers, if they cannot meet in person, can drink wine together via video call, go to bed at the same time the same time, being on different ends of the earth and going to the shower at the same time, not being next to each other. Female friendship is filled with symbolism and rituals. If a man ends up in a woman's friend zone, where she pursues friendship as her goal, such a man needs to be prepared for the fact that he is just her “friend.” And in front of your friends, you can openly change clothes, take a shower, or go to bed together on the same bed without implying any intimate tendencies in the development of relationships. But if a man needs a beautiful girl to think about him, it’s worth first finding out: is she thinking about him? other guy? After all, first she will have to remove this competitor from her thoughts. In a conversation with a girl, a man immediately understands whether there is another person in the focus of her attention, because she will often talk about him.N. I. Kozlov in his research article on female psychology and