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As an epigraph: Scotland. Count Henri is the guest of honor at Baron Harry's estate. The baron invited the count to hunt pheasants. The count and the huntsman are walking through the forest. The count saw a pheasant, raised his gun, and the huntsman said to him: “Don’t shoot! This is Jack, the Baron’s favorite pheasant; the Baron never shoots Jack.” They move on. The Count sees the pheasant again, and the huntsman says: “You can shoot, this is Edward, the Baron always shoots at Edward.” ***An excluded family member is a peculiar phenomenon. If it is not customary to talk about or remember someone in a family, he acquires the informal status of an “excluded family member.” Who is most often excluded? Those about whom it is painful, unpleasant, embarrassing or offensive to remember. Dead children, abortions and miscarriages, ex-partners, criminals, suicidal people and the repressed. But an exception (“out of sight, out of mind”) does not solve the situation fundamentally. The law of conservation of energy works not only in physics and chemistry. Representatives of the older generation have provided themselves with relative comfort by being an “exception,” they have “forgotten” an unpleasant person or event, and their descendants begin, with a high degree of probability, to reproduce the fate of the excluded person. Reproduce in detail! The dead are remembered by dangerous diseases and recurrence of symptoms. Abortions and miscarriages are remembered as depressive states. Former partners repeat failures in their personal lives and repetition of the separation scenario. Criminals are remembered by replaying unpleasant events associated with the crime or punishment. Suicidal people are remembered by suicidal thoughts and attempts. Repressed - loss of property and status, feelings of helplessness and injustice. ***How ​​do you know that a descendant is reproducing the fate of an excluded ancestor? Because of the strangeness of what is happening. A person has everything - talents and abilities, education and experience, but the business does not grow, the money does not flow. A beautiful girl, but no suitors are seen or heard of. Dad is the head physician, mother is the head nurse, but a person does not recover from illness. And the diagnoses are strange, unknown to science. *** How to get rid of such a scourge? The easiest way to solve this question is this: using the constellation, find whom the sick person or those suffering from strange symptoms-feelings-situations repeats and remembers. As they found, you need to show the highest respect to the “excluded” person, return him to his worthy place in the family system, show respect and honor. So say: “I found you. I see you. You are ours! You're good! You have a worthy place in our family system. I don’t pretend to take your place and your feelings and your loss scenarios. Yours - for you. Mine is for me. You are my ancestor, you are my relative. I am your relative, your descendant. I respect you very much, and you respect me. Wherever you are, I wish you all the best. And you look at me kindly. Bless you with happiness, success, health and prosperity.” It is unnecessary to remind that intonations in this conversation are much more important than words. Intonations of respect.*** As soon as the excluded relative heard your kind and courteous words, as soon as he felt respect on your part in words and intonations, immediately the cursed darkness left your life, left your body, left your soul, and from all parts of your multi-talented personality. And you began to live and live well, make good things, remember your relative with a kind word, flourish yourself and prosper as a whole family. *** By the way! In English, the verb “to remember” - “remember” essentially means “to restore membership” (“re + member”). In Russian, the word “remember” is very similar to the word “replenish”. So it turns out that they remembered an excluded ancestor or relative, filled the family system, and their descendants no longer need to repeat the suffering of others. That is why funeral prayer in many cultures and peoples is an important tool for maintaining the well-being and comfortable life of a modern person. Schedule of the Olvia Center on the website www.olvia-center.ru My groups and online courses here Sign up for a consultation by phone/whatsapp 89055656655 and 84952266880