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How to cope with anxiety? Working methods. Do you want to return to your old calm life, but don’t know what to do? You are a hostage to the situation. How to cope with anxiety? It is completely normal to worry and worry about the uncertainty of the future. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is think about what hasn’t happened yet and is unlikely to happen. Keep a sober mind. For every negative thought, “what if...”, come up with a positive response. Better yet, write it down on a piece of paper. 1. Turn off notifications. If various messages make you very nervous and worried, get rid of unnecessary information noise. It may seem to you that if you read all the public pages in the world and news feeds, then panic attacks will recede, because being informed means being armed? This is a false feeling. Hyper-control over the situation will not help in any way; your psyche will suffer from it. Minimize your time reading news, choose only the most important. And only what you can influence. 2. Household chores are a lifeline. Simple everyday tasks help cope with your anxiety. This way you seem to feel in control of the situation, you don’t have to think: how to wash the dishes, how to wipe the dust, etc. As a result, habitual actions calm the nervous system and return to reality. Make a list of things to do that will help you distract from negative thoughts: clean up your house; read a book; take up a hobby; cook your favorite dish; inspect things; etc. Live according to daily plans. Don’t cross out all your plans for the week and don’t cancel meetings, don’t lock yourself at home to lie curled up on the bed. On the contrary, do not throw yourself out of your daily routine. 3. Don’t be silent In such anxious moments, it is important for you to feel needed. Call your family or friends, talk to them. You will be able to speak your thoughts and share your feelings. It is important not to move away from society, but to find like-minded people and understand that you are not alone. 4. Caring for others Try to do charity work. And you don’t have to limit yourself to transferring money to the card for sick children and unfortunate animals. For example, go to a dog shelter and bring them food, or give unnecessary but usable items to needy families. This will make you feel important and significant. 5. Remember the meaning of your life. What is really important to you? Children, parents, friends, pets? Or maybe your goal is to write a song or travel halfway around the world? Think about what is worth remaining calm for, what are you living for? 6. Write an action plan If you think that something bad is going to happen to you and your loved ones, then just sit down and write down on paper a possible way out of the situation. Write down in detail and point by point what you will do in the worst case scenario. 7. Get more fresh air Get out of the house. Take a walk. Walk around the house for about five minutes. This may not solve the problem, but it will help clear the air. And fresh air has a positive effect on the body. 8. Exercise to relieve anxiety Do some exercise to get back to normal. Diaphragmatic breathing can be performed while sitting, standing or lying down. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Inhale slowly through your nose until you feel your stomach move with your hand. The chest should remain at rest. Imagine that your stomach is a balloon that you are trying to inflate while your chest does not move. After inhaling, tighten your abdominal muscles and exhale through pursed lips. Hold your breath, inhale and exhale for 4 seconds. ShavasanaA yoga pose that helps to completely relax the body. Body position: lying down. Place your hands at an angle of 45 degrees along the body. Palms up. The distance between the feet is about 5 cm. The head is positioned level and comfortable, eyes directed upward. Without tilting or turning the head. Next, you need to completely relax from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Costs. +7 910-648-48-82