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From the author: I am publishing client cases with MAC (metaphorical associative cards) Client case from my private practice. The client allowed me to present my layout and describe it. The photo shows the final stage of the layout that the client formed for himself. And so... The client is a 30-year-old man. Civil servant, married with children. Experiences difficulties at work, is not happy with his job and worries about the future. I worked with a client using the HABITAT deck of metaphorical associative cards. We worked with the client to set goals and results. The client, face down, took out the first card with the designation “Me now” and the second “Me in 10 years.” Between these cards, a bridge was made of three closed cards “my stages during these years.” I ask the client to interpret the first card “I am now” K: (laughs) I work like a bulldozer, I’m sitting in some kind of wilds, and like a machine I do everything automatically , very similar to my work now. I ask the client to talk about the card “Me in 10 years” K: This is my dog ​​lying, and I am engaged in agricultural activities (the client dreams of building a house and having a farm in the future) I invite the client to open cards with stages of what is happening to him over the course of these 10 years..K: Well, finally the machine has raked up these wilds, and there is a dead city, that is, I work and work, but there is no point, everything is dead, one elk is walking and All. (notices that the image looks like Kaliningradskaya street, the client lives in this city). Please open the next stage... K: Look, I cleared everything away, and now I’m finally relaxing, sitting with my dog ​​and watching TV, I feel good, finally - a break from all this unnecessary work. Please open the next stage... K: Well, on this map there is finally the work that I like, and the image of a living person, and not a machine in the wilds. A person enjoys his activities, works on the land, builds what I want. Me: Pull out a card that will be the key and a hint to your goals. Client draws out 2 cards (pictured) K: Despite the fact that everything is so bad and I am among wolves and dead bones, I just need to find my hobby (a man with a saxophone), in order to withstand difficulties, I just need to be with my interest. The client was satisfied with the situation, was convinced of the correctness of his goals and found a resource for overcoming difficulties at the present time .The layout is over. Psychologist Natalia Krylova