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If family life is bad because of the intolerable behavior of the spouse, and it has been bad for a long time, and the wife doesn’t seem to like it, but she has been bad for 10 years, then that’s for sure for the wife I like it. If a difficult family situation is not resolved, then no one wants to resolve it. In any suffering that lasts for a long time, there are always secondary benefits. Benefit first: It’s all his fault. The wife is unhappy, they live in a one-room apartment, the children don’t listen, she doesn’t want him anymore, and so on. All this is his fault, because he (choose): earns little, drinks a lot or watches TV, does not devote any time to his family, thinks only about his mother, etc. And if a man really feels guilty, then he is lost. Now, on his feeling of guilt, the wife can manipulate and twist from morning to evening, getting from her husband what he would never give her of his own free will. And this is very profitable. The wife suffered a little, then blamed a lot and ultimately got what she wanted. It works 100 times out of 100, but not for long. Sooner or later, his feeling of guilt will be replaced by a feeling of anger. The psyche will try to protect him from the accusing subject. His behavior will become either aggressive or avoidant and distant. Benefit two A convenient reason for self-justification. Her family life just isn’t working out, but she’s trying so hard, poor thing. Now she can mope, be sad, eat bread at night, not fulfill her duties, become despondent, drink, be rude to everyone, etc. Well, she’s tired of saving her family, you can understand her. Third benefit: Being better than him. A bad husband is the perfect foil for the piety of his good wife. He, the scoundrel, drinks, walks, fights, or God knows what else. But she will never allow herself too much and continues to live with him! Holy Great Martyr, who, like others, considers herself better than her husband. Place an ideal man with her, whom you will have to grow up to yourself, and she will refuse him. The fourth benefit is Stability. Her meaning in life is to suffer. Now imagine if the main villain, the husband, is removed. Then she will be happy. But she doesn’t know how to do this, and it’s unusual to be happy. Therefore, it is better to leave everything as it is. It takes a lot of courage to recognize these benefits, to agree that living together with a bad husband is not a forced act, but a voluntary, albeit not always conscious one..