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From the author: Almost a transcript of a discussion with a person who, according to him, owns a unique technology and method of treating cancer, based on the Bible code, which was going to (and apparently still is going to) save from this terrible disease all of humanity or... ...The philosophy of the modern “savior” of humanity.” <Background> On March 15, 2010, I received a call from a Hospice psychotherapist with an offer to meet and talk with an interesting person, according to her, an ascetic and the author of a unique method of treating cancer, who allegedly selflessly offered his services to the Hospice and patients. Simply put, she was unable to sufficiently objectively assess the degree of adequacy of him and, most importantly, the unique method of helping seriously ill patients he offered, and therefore decided to resort to my help as an expert and “supervisor” for insurance. <Introduction>We agreed to meet with the author of the method in a very symbolic place - the building of the largest in the territory of the former CIS - the National Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, which received the name "Chupa Chups" from Minsk residents for its bizarre shape. We agreed on Friday at 18:00 with a follow-up call at 16:00. But already on Thursday at about 16-00 the call rang and an ingratiating, creaky voice on the phone asked if everything was OK about our meeting today? To which I calmly replied that today was only Thursday, not Friday. - How? - my interlocutor was sadly indignant. So. Today is only Thursday. - What a pity, but for some reason I thought that today was already Friday. The client is in some strange impatience - I thought to myself. This does not speak about his punctuality and poise. - Can’t we meet with you today? - followed the question. In principle, we can, I answered. - Well, let's meet today, why delay. So, as agreed at 18:00. You will recognize me, I will be wearing a black coat, and there will be a reflective strip on the sleeve. “Okay, I’ll call you back, just in case, when I get to the library,” I suggested. “No, don’t, I don’t like using a mobile phone again, it’s very harmful,” came his answer. A strange guy, I thought to myself. He loves life, however, if he is so meticulous about all the little things. <Personal contact>As we agreed, at 18-00 after work I drove up to the building of the National Library. I arrived not at the National Library stop itself, but from the other side, since the 25th bus was turning from the prospect onto Staroborisovsky Trakt. I had enough time and I decided to walk one stop. Before even entering the library building, I saw through the glass on the left side of the entrance at the reception desk the silhouette of a man in black with a bright yellow reflective strip on his sleeve. Just in case, I decided to test his attention, and at the same time his extrasensory abilities, and therefore, without looking at him directly, but using only peripheral vision, he entered the library. He did not pay any attention to me at all, but was more interested in a group of Chinese standing towards the lobby. So, he’s not a psychic, I noted to myself, and already went directly in his direction. Our gazes met at some point, but I again did not feel any effect, or rather, resonance. This is somehow strange for a healer and specialist in working with cancer, I thought again. Approaching him almost closely, I was the first to say hello. Hello, you and I have an appointment here. - Hello. And you are Konstantin Vladimirovich? Well, yes, but who else - I answered with an undisguised smile. - Well, my name is Valery. Valery, then? - I asked again. “No, call me Valerie,” came the answer and at that moment he smiled broadly. His smile attracted my attention and seemed somehow unnatural and even a little forced. There was something falsely playful about her. The eyes are what betrayed the falsehood. Through squinted eyes two cunning eyes with a sly gleam looked at me, assessingsituation. At that moment, I automatically noticed a certain discomfort from this look. An inner voice unmistakably told me that these were the eyes of inner vision, called the third eye, which calculated and assessed the situation from the outside. For some reason, my discomfort told me that this third eye that was watching me was not entirely kind. He did not exude that peace and determination that priests, monks, clairvoyants and true healers who have known the power of sacrifice and humility have. If so, I thought to myself, then I need to turn on the “interested fool” mode. This is the easiest way to lull the vigilance of the human Ego and allow it to express itself fully. If I am right in my guesses, then the Ego will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of my gullibility for its own selfish purposes, and if not, and my interlocutor turns out to be truly an ascetic and a decent person, then thank God. Then I will have nothing more to fear. Feigning genuine interest, I asked Valery a question: Well, where should we go to get comfortable, where I could look at your documents on the method? “Yes, even here,” Valery answered and pointed to the left wing of the lobby, where there were soft armchairs and coffee tables for visitors and those waiting. I noted for myself the rather poor lighting of this wing and the presence of only one free seat on the sofa. No, let's better go to the right wing, it seems to me that it is much lighter there in order to get acquainted with the documents - I suggested to Valery, and we headed to the right wing lobby Indeed, it turned out to be much brighter there, and besides, as soon as we approached, two soft chairs were vacated there, because a man literally stood in front of us from one. Not far from us, a group of people were sitting on the sofa, apparently negotiating. One was of Asian appearance, most likely Chinese in pronunciation. He was helped by a translator, who constantly clarified some details and then passed them on to his partner. The location for our conversation was generally appropriate. <In anticipation of a secret>So I am at your service and ready to listen to you carefully. - Now, now - Valery began to fuss, taking out of his bag, or rather even handbag, some folded and worn-out papers. Then he began to lay them out on the table in front of me. What is this? - I asked. - Now, now I’ll show you everything and tell you - Valery answered. I spent many years abroad, I was in Greece, Africa and other countries, where I studied the causes of the emergence and spread of cancer in the world. Look, this is a map of the spread of cancer in the world, and this is me in the army, this is me in Greece, on this island, where the Church of St. John stands, I spent several years and got access to the closed library of the temple, where I learned the secret of treating cancer. To confirm his words, Valerie handed me a couple of worn-out sheets of A4 paper on which there were color photocopies of collages consisting of newspaper clippings with photographs. Is that all? - I asked in bewilderment. “No, not everything,” Valery answered. This is the most important thing - and with these words, he unfolded in front of me a piece of paper glued together from two A3 sheets on which columns of numbers were handwritten. Those. the paper was a kind of digital map or a solid digital background. Four and five digit numbers were written out by hand in even columns. There were gaps here and there, or rather, some numbers were covered with whitewash. But what is it? – I asked in surprise. “This is the code of the Bible,” Valery answered. Explain what kind of code this is, where did you get it from? “I received it in the Church of St. John. Is this the document you received there?” - I asked, pointing to a document with numbers. - No, I got the code itself there, and this is my decoding of the Bible using this code. How did this decryption come about? Can you explain to me the calculation technology? And why is everything done by hand and not on a computer? - You know, I don’t own a computer, to my shame. It so happened thatI didn’t have the opportunity to master it. How are you so involved in such a serious topic - studying the causes of the occurrence and spread of cancer - and do not own a computer? Nowadays, without knowledge of a computer it is generally impossible to do anything seriously. What is your education, Valery? - Not Valery, but Valerie, I already told you. My education is geographical* in general,” Valery answered somewhat embarrassed.* Valery, as I found out later, had an incomplete higher education, or rather only two courses at the Geography Faculty of BGUT.e. Don't have a medical education? – I asked specifically. “Yes, I don’t have a medical education, but that doesn’t matter.” What matters is what I discovered. I’m telling you, I have traveled to many countries of the world and in Greece I found the secret of many secrets. Cancer is a separate issue. I even predicted earthquakes there, which were later confirmed. Look here. Valery handed me a photocopy of newspaper clippings to confirm his words. On one of the articles of the newspaper Unusual, next to No. 26 (423), there was a large headline “Earthquake virus detected in Greece”, and under the title the inscription “And to treat the land in general and Greek in particular, from the disease caused by this virus, in other words, from tremors, Valery Tverdovsky from Belarus is taken." Valery Tverdovsky, that’s the name of our healer. In a newspaper article, a short message in a frame immediately caught my eye: “From a letter from V. Tverdovsky to the President of Greece K. Stephanopoulos: “In May 1999, we first turned to you, Mr. President, with a proposal to solve the problem of the approaching earthquake. We indicated its date - September 1999. In July, we made the same request to the Russian and Greek embassies. In the letter we indicated that the strength of the earthquake would be 6 points. We contacted him in March 2000. Incoming numbers of letters registered by the parliament reception are 738, 777, 815...” The next article in the Svobodnye Novosti plus newspaper on September 4-18, 2003 was called “Minsk can.” On it is a photograph of Valery and the text: “This man looks like Shukshin’s weirdo hero. His predictions can be treated differently. But there is a fact: he predicted the earthquake in Athens with great accuracy.” The Greek weekly Omonia published an article that began with the following words: “When he began to say goodbye, my employees breathed a sigh of relief. They, along with me, had to hear very incredible things during that time that Valery Tverdovsky was in the editorial office. Perhaps incredible is to say the least. “The artist in you has died,” the colleague summed up. With such a serious face, listen to all this nonsense about earthquakes and the impending catastrophe... And the next day in Athens the same four tremors that this strange man had warned about the day before were recorded. No comments, as they say.” This information helped me navigate the situation even better. Now I clearly understood that in front of me was a genuine “crank” - a person who, for completely incomprehensible reasons, gained access to high-order information without having the appropriate cognitive and intellectual basis for this. And now this information was literally tearing his consciousness apart in search of a way out and realization. It is very likely that some of the information that this person had was, in fact, reliable. But at the same time, there is no doubt that it was so distorted by his imperfect consciousness that it turned into complete absurdity. Consider just one of Valery’s statements that... “An earthquake is a disease of the earth. Caused by a virus that I discovered. And it can be treated like any disease.” It is difficult to comment on this statement by Valery. One thing can be said - in it, like in one “soup” or “Olivier salad”, so many ingredients, levels, plans and dependencies are mixed that on an abstract level it does not seem absurd at all. But at the same time, from a scientific point of view, this is simply stupid. After this explanation, we continued the conversation about the treatment of cancer. <CodeValery>Turning a large sheet of numbers in my hands, I asked Valery a question - how to use this table? - First you need to know how it is obtained, and it is obtained from the Bible. “How is this from the Bible?” I asked in surprise. “Yes.” We open the Bible,” and then Valery took out a small Bible from his black handbag – the Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, carefully wrapped in newspaper. Then he carefully unfolded it and said with trepidation - this is the sea. After which, running his finger along a dividing strip one and a half centimeters wide, which runs along the very middle of the page, and on which chapters are marked and links to primary sources are given, he selflessly said: “And Moses spoke the word and the sea parted.” Do you understand what I'm saying? Metaphorically, yes, but in relation to the diagram, no,” I answered. “The links are given in numbers, and the numbers are a code. So what? – I answered somewhat skeptically. “And the fact that the Bible is not written in simple language, but in the language of codes that no one knows about. Do you know this language?” - Yes, I know it. Well, what is it, if it is not a secret, and how to use it at all? - The secret is the code, which must be calculated using a formula. I won’t tell you the formula and code. I will say that each psalm of the Bible has its own energetic charge and these charges alternate. One with a plus, and the next with a minus. If you read the Bible all in a row, then it will not do any good to a cancer patient. You need to read only special psalms with a plus. To calculate them in the Bible, I need a formula and code that I own.*** * At that moment, an episode from the film “The Sign” with Nicolas Cage in the title role clearly emerged in my head, when he found a digital map of events with marks all major disasters, calculated thanks to the secret code that the heroine knew. It’s clear, Valery, but what is the treatment of cancer according to your method, as you say? In other words, what does the treatment technology itself look like? Is it taking some medications, exercises or what? - Nothing. This is simply reading the Bible - those psalms that I identify by my code and which carry a positive charge. Look how much I've done today. Valery opened an ordinary school notebook and showed me two pages on which a column of numbers was written from top to bottom. This is what I'm preparing for a patient I'm currently working with. Do you have many people who were cured thanks to this method? - No, maybe a dozen. And that among them there are also hospice patients, i.e. incurable patients in a terminal condition? - No, there are none. These are mainly patients with the initial stage. I have already contacted the director of the children's hospice, Anna Georgievna, and the director of the adult hospice, Olga Viktorovna, and the director of the children's Oncology Center, Olga Vitalievna, and the director of the Oncology Research Institute, Iosif Viktorovich. Everyone is kicking me and doesn’t want to listen. They say this is all unscientific. Olga Vitalievna, the director of the Children's Oncology Center, told me - I have no right to give you patients who are undergoing treatment with us. This is a gross violation of the law. The Oncology Research Institute also refused my request, citing the unscientific nature of my methods. Anna Georgievna from the children's hospice was even more understanding, but also said that not all parents of sick children will be able to accept my method. It’s not medical, but religious, and you know what our attitude towards religion is. Now there is hope for you, maybe you will be interested in him. They told me at Hospice that you are the greatest specialist in alternative oncology. They even wrote a book about it. If you approve the method, then we can work together. <More to the point>Valery’s last phrase “...we can work together” somehow really struck a chord with me. You see, Valerie, everything that you showed me is called amateur performance. The path is original and maybe even talented, but this is an amateur activity that has nothing to do with science, medicine, and especially oncology. In order to offer something as a method of helping patients, you needfirst formulate this in the form of a clear and understandable concept, i.e. Your method needs to be described in scientific language, put into a scientific form that is understandable to all specialists. Only then will it be possible to somehow work with your concept. But this is not a guarantee that you will be allowed to use your method. You understand that after formulating and describing the method, it is necessary to conduct clinical trials, which will show its real effectiveness. And since I can be sure that this is not quackery and wishful thinking. Do you know how many charlatans and oncology scammers have passed through my brains and hands over the last 7 years? And all of them beat themselves in the chest with their fists, claiming that they had found a guaranteed way to treat cancer, and even in advanced stages? - And a lot? – Valery perked up, portraying his smile, which again made me feel not very comfortable. Enough. There will be somewhere more than two dozen, I definitely didn’t count. From supermagicians, psychics, coders to technologists who restore the information structure of DNA - I answered with a smile. - DNA. “Everything is in the DNA,” Valery said, and somehow especially and sublimely, almost like the words of a prayer. Undoubtedly. But how can we influence it today? - I answered somewhat skeptically. - Code. I’m telling you, I know the code. Well, what is the code, Valery, stop it. We are talking about completely different things. I’m telling you about the information structure of DNA, that it is an incredibly complex information object, containing more than 3 billion nucleotide base pairs and more than 30 thousand genes with completely unique properties. Humanity is only at the initial stage of understanding the complexity of this unique energy-information mechanism, which ensures the diversity and sustainability of species. The recently created international group for deciphering the information structure of DNA - ENCODE, which includes the best specialists in the field of genetics and computer science from around the world, has to date deciphered only 1% of the total amount of information. In other words, to date we have understood only an insignificant part of this extremely complex system. Do you understand, Valerie, what I'm talking about? I think not, since you are not telling me about the DNA code at all, but about some formula for calculating psalms from the Bible, which carry some kind of abstract positive charge. Valery thought about it, and I noticed for myself how fascinating scientific definitions and formulations act on him .- Yes, it’s a positive charge, Valery said quietly. Well, okay, Valerie, let’s leave science. Then tell me in your own words, how do you understand the causes of cancer? Why do you think there is a growth of a tumor that does not integrate into the body, but lives its own separate and isolated life at the expense of the body? - This happens due to a lack of energy. What's the downside, Valerie? After all, there are many disadvantages or losses of energy in humans. This includes nervous exhaustion or emotional burnout, shock or stress, and depression. - This cannot be explained in words. I know for sure that the patient has negative energy, but he needs positive energy. This is the only way he can be healed. Valerie, have you ever thought about the fact that a cancer cell is essentially the same as its own, i.e. an embryonic cell that simply has not received all the information necessary for its specialization. That is why it became a parasite, which is interested in the simplest functions - nutrition and reproduction, active reproduction. - No, very interesting. And where can you read about this? Yes, in that very book of mine that you yourself mentioned. - And what does this mean - Valery suddenly perked up? And this means that for some reason the dividing cell is from the genome and DNA structure the completeness of information for her training was not provided. So she became a cell - a parasite - an egoist who does not take into account the whole organism. “This is all due to the loss of positive energy,” Valery immediately retorted. It can be called differently, but one cannot help but recognize one thing– the fact that at some point in the life of the organism, the connection with a certain higher center was lost, which nourishes it and provides it with all the energy and information necessary for life. I'm talking about the connection with the Creator - with God. After these words, Valery somehow became especially wary and fell silent in thought. - Yes, this is all due to the loss of connection with God, I understand. This is why the bible code is needed. God's Word has tremendous life force. No one dared to change the Bible. For this there is a death penalty. Well, this is very controversial - I intervened. From history it is known that the Bible was nevertheless corrected more than once. If this is so, then the entire system of dependence is broken. Yes, as they say, we seem to be speaking the same words, but about completely different things. Valery, but do you have any documents describing the method itself besides all these clippings? - Of course, there are - with these words Valery meaningfully took out of his bag two dozen sheets of paper, fastened with a large paper clip, and placed them in front of me. <Arguments and facts>-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- (Title on the title page) To the Presidents of countries and Republics To the President of the WHO BSSR and Co. (in a circle) Charitable Rescue Service Ri K (in a circle) Cancer and oncological diseasesSocial International project for the prevention of cancer (oncological diseases) From the cause of occurrence in the 4th century AD. (corrected manually from 3) distribution on planet EarthIP V. Tverdovsky (85310) (85320) Social services to the populationIndividual entrepreneur------------ -------------------------------------------------After reading the first lines of the second page of the document, I didn’t know whether I should cry or laugh, or whether I should do both at the same time. (Verbatim text with spelling and punctuation preserved) The cause of CANCER (oncological) diseases is revealed from the cause, and not from the effect, i.e. from medicine. Mortality from CVD - cardiovascular diseases is 55.4% + President of WHO - World Health Organization Mr. John U VUC = 55.5% at 60 years old. Mortality from cancer 13.3% + Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Mr. L. Postoyalko + 13.4% 330 thousand patients with cerebrovascular diseases, drunkenness, AIDS - for the above diseases, international projects have been developed to prevent diseases from the beginning of fetal formation (bone marrow), to prevent a demographic catastrophe of the extinction of the nationality - Belarusian. We invite you to take part in discussing projects, expressing your proposals for design, changes, additions, etc. Today, knowing the cause of CANCER and CVD, a person can live without fear for himself and the transmission of inheritance to children and grandchildren. If he wants. Sincerely, IP V. Tverdovsky June 10 (23), 2007 (seal) ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------And here are some more documents. Read it. Valery handed me a few more pages of typewritten text. The document was called Healthy children from the day of conception. Topic: Marriage and family counseling. We will prevent and stop the growth of cancer cells. Although I had previously encountered the work of home-grown healers-nuggets, I had never seen such original material. The very first sentences of the document have already completely finished me off: The First International Scientific and Practical Conference “Alternative Energy and Energy Supply (Human) Individually – State Partnership” It is very important that today there is a desire of the state to support the initiative in these issues, said the Chairman of the capital’s Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Vladimir Karyagin. (hereinafter referred to as TV)... everyone knows, except for state medicine, that the growth of cancer cells and tumors begins from the moment that a person has wasted (taken away from a person, i.e. stolen) positive + plus energy. The cells suffocate, swell (there is no energy outlet) and begin to divide and multiply, forming a tumor. "Connecting" the depleted positivehuman energy to an alternative source, to + plus positive energy, the person restores the imbalance of the energy difference, the cells are gradually enriched with plus + energy and acquire a healthy, pristine appearance. Protective functions are restored and the “disease” disappears without surgery or medical intervention. <Not a diagnosis, but a state of mind>After getting acquainted with all this “documentation”, everything finally fell into place, and I already had a very clear idea of ​​who and what I was dealing with. Well, what can you do, there is such a syndrome of “saviors” of all humanity. How many people have I already seen whose roofs were simply completely blown away by pathological preoccupation with solving some meta-task. As experience shows, most often “rescuers” take on the most difficult problems of all mankind that have not yet been solved, and among other problems, the leading problems are cancer and disaster prevention. Oddly enough, but aside from the aspect of psychopathology, sometimes among the “rescuers” there are indeed nuggets and talented people, whose ideas, at first glance crazy, sometimes contain quite sound findings. It is this aspect of knowledge that attracts me most in such people. So this time I met a man without any serious education, who became a hostage of occult knowledge, apparently associated with the so-called. a Bible code or a special numerological technique that allows you to calculate the energy potential of a particular psalm. The saddest thing is that this person intuitively seemed to understand the essence of the issue, but could not adequately assimilate this knowledge in order to fully use it. And now this knowledge was like a huge “nut” behind his cheek, which he could neither bite through nor spit out. Intuitively, i.e. from an esoteric point of view, I understood perfectly well why he reduced everything to a question of energy. But how could I somehow make him understand that his interpretation of energy relates purely to the occult side of this problem and in no way can be interpreted scientifically. He, like a child, not having deep and thorough knowledge, not understanding all the absurdity and naivety of his own conclusions, spared no effort and expense, trying to prove to the whole world the importance of his discovery. On the one hand, he aroused in me sincere sympathy, associated with an understanding of the futility of his actions, and on the other hand, I was haunted by the question related to the fact that in front of me it was not Shukshin’s weirdo hero - an altruist and ascetic before marrow of bones. In front of me was a prudent entrepreneur who wanted, above all, to do business - i.e. It is profitable to sell yourself and your unique knowledge. This was a person with a completely open third eye - but not the eye of sincere and selfless love for the world, but the eye of the Ego, which prudently weighed and assessed the situation in its favor. I no longer had any doubt that it was this eye that I noticed when we first met him. That is why his sly smile was so unpleasant to me. Now, after finding out the value of his discovery, I was no longer particularly interested in his unique method. I became interested in something else - what brought him to oncology, and so I asked him a simple question at first glance: Valerie, tell me, did you decide to take up this topic yourself or were you forced to take up it by some circumstances or maybe forces? - The right question, very right question - answered Valery and again made his sly smile. You can say that life forced me to do this, if you want to know. I saved myself and my daughter from serious illnesses and now I want to help other people. But they don't understand me. I already told you where I didn’t turn. I won’t even talk about Postoyalko. I even addressed the wives of our President. Yes, and to both of them - both the official Galina Radionovna and Irina. It's all useless. Yes, Lukashenko himself knows me. After all, I deal not only with oncology, I also haveThere are many developments in geology, but I have a geographical education*. When I asked him to open a map of the deposits of all minerals in Belarus, he answered me directly - I can’t, he says, I’m showing serious people your drawings. No, he says, you have a serious scientific basis, and without it all these are empty words. Well, how did you manage to do such a volume of work, on sheer enthusiasm or something? - Yes, I don’t know myself. Some kind of devil or force pulled me then. My daughter became seriously ill and it was as if I had received an internal order, I left everything here in Belarus, and two days later I was already in Greece - in that very monastery of St. John. It works like a museum. So I ended up there as a visitor. I knew a little Greek and came across, I don’t know how, the house of some woman. Her name was Sofia, like my mother. Word for word, so and so, in general, I met, and she has seven sons. Just imagine - everyone works in the monastery. So I became acquainted with all of them and ended up in the monastery. And there our Russian abbot turned out to be - already quite 82 years old. That means I gained confidence in him and he allowed me to visit there often. Then he died and I went to his funeral. The monks set tables in the courtyard of the monastery, rich people came from all over the area and even from Athens. And so I sat down with them in a corner, and then stayed for the all-night vigil in the monastery at the tomb. The chief asked the monks who I was, and they answered him that it was some kind of acquaintance or a distant relative from Russia or Belarus. So I spent the night there and thanks to this I came into the confidence of the monks. Later, I got access to their closed library, where I found apocrypha and interpretations of the Bible, where it is said about the code. Life there was not easy, I’ll tell you, I got by as best I could, working part-time as a driver and just as a helper. Yes, your story is interesting, Valerie. Tell me, how did you find out about the earthquake then and how do you get any information in general? - Through a dream, how else. In a dream, a spirit comes to me and says this and that, and I already follow his instructions. It was the same with my daughter. She fell ill with a serious cerebrovascular disease and only thanks to the code I cured her. So you told me at the beginning that she had oncology? - Well, that’s true. In general, she didn’t have cancer, but that doesn’t matter. The important thing is what you and I will do next on our joint project. On what joint project? - On the project to promote my method. If you help me arrange everything beautifully, we can do a great job. Wait, Valerie, it seems to me that you are ahead of the curve. You and I agreed at the beginning that I would undertake only the evaluation of your method, as such, for the possibility of using it as a complementary practice for hospice patients who have nothing to lose. We didn’t agree on any joint work.” “Well, let’s agree on what the problems are,” Valery responded immediately. “No, Valerie, first I need to familiarize myself with all your documents, look at the relevant links on the Internet, talk with colleagues and only Then I will be able to draw a conclusion about the extent to which your method can be offered to hopelessly ill people. You understand, Hospice is not a private shop or almshouse, but a state healthcare institution, where everything must be legal and official. Besides, unfortunately, my time is already running out, so what can you leave for me to familiarize myself with the method? Valery began to fuss and began to sort through all his papers. <About the most important thing> - You need to take this, this and this, but these are originals and I won’t be able to give them to you. No problem, there’s a photocopier here, make copies. - Oh, well, yes. Valery hastily, before I left, ran to the reception desk and asked her to make copies of his papers. “Can you make copies on both sides, will it be cheaper for me? Yes, of course,” I answered, realizing that I was unlikely to need them at all, if only to compile a personal report. Valery rejected my offer to pay for the photocopier and paid for it himself, which took a long timesorting through small bills. We stood up and headed towards the exit. - Where do you need to go, well, in what direction? Yes, a couple of metro stops to Chelyuskintsev Park. And for you? - And for me, a silver coin. There is a patient waiting for me for whom I did the calculation today. We left the National Library building and headed to the metro station. How is it, Valerie, that you still haven’t mastered the computer, since you have to count so many numbers manually? - Ah, I’m already used to it. It's not a complicated formula at all. Something else is more important to me now. I haven't been able to find a job anywhere for six months now. I contacted one professor, and he himself turned out to be a scoundrel of golden mountains, he promised me and did nothing. Then I found a job in an office, gave them my documents, worked for them for four months, and they went bankrupt. They burst like a soap bubble and my money was crying. Now I'm making a living as a driver. Yes, I have always worked as a driver, you can’t go wrong with this, in any country in the world. In Greece, I lived only on this. Yes, in life you must have a profession and calling. It’s good when they coincide. - What is your profession? This question from Valery perplexed me. I was currently officially unemployed. I am a specialist in psychological and social work and a volunteer helping the psychological service of the hospice. - I see. This is what you need. Who needs it? - We need it, who else. I don’t understand why we need this? - Well, psychology is power. Everything lies in psychology. When I negotiate with a patient, I always tell him this - payment for my services in the sense of a fee only based on the final result and only minor expenses for current needs. This does not scare you away, but on the contrary, it is attractive. Well, have you ever come across rich patients? - Not yet. But they are somewhere and they will be ready to give millions for their salvation from death. Are you sure of this? Well, I mean, are you sure that they will then pay you these same millions for their healing. - Where will they go? Of course they will pay, but if they don’t pay, everything will come back,” with these words Valerie again smiled sarcastically and I had a familiar unpleasant feeling. My experience, Valerie, suggests that there are no ready-made schemes or recipes. Everything is very individual. One person emerges from his illness completely different and renewed internally, spiritually more mature and rich, and the other again becomes the same person he was before the illness, and the latter most often experience relapses because they do not learn lessons from their illness. Lessons of suffering and love. <Decoupling>Valery and I went down to the metro and jumped into the approaching locomotive. The carriage was half empty and we stood at the counters opposite the doors. “And all this is lyrics,” Valery continued. Tell me, what are our further joint actions? As far as I understand, you have a website on oncology and it is very visited by specialists and patients. My proposal is that we develop a joint idea, you formulate it beautifully in a scientific way and present it as our common one. Next, we can work with both patients and organizations that will provide money for research. I am an individual entrepreneur and have an account. 40% for your assistance. Is he coming? No, Valery, he’s not coming, I said, barely holding back my laughter. Nobody will pay you or me for air. Has your fruitless experience really taught you nothing in all this time? Haven’t you realized that everything in life needs to be approached thoroughly and professionally, starting from the very foundation, and not just fly kites? The expression on Valery’s face changed somewhat after these words. Confusion was clearly visible on him. “So how much do you need for assistance then - half or more? Not at all,” I answered. I have not yet made a decision on this issue, but it seems to me that it will be negative. So many unexpected details have surfaced on the topic that I don’t even know how to feel about you and your method. - Stop it. Will half suit you? - Valery asked in a more insistent voice. There was a pause. I looked into Valery's eyes trying to see in them at least.