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Some people, with very modest results in life, complain about a lack of time. Maybe it's a matter of careless attitude towards your goals? Usually, their actions are chaotic, aimed at one point, subject to the momentary mood. This is where such annoying situations arise as “I’ve been walking to the store for a week and can’t get there”, “why didn’t I think of taking this document with me”, “it completely slipped my mind that I’d be in this area”. In this situation, the dynamics of achieving goals can only impress a tortoise. People who accomplish a lot and spend little time have a fundamentally different way of thinking. This does not mean that they are special or have superpowers. They just understand that luck doesn’t come on its own. Success can and should also be planned. Such people move through life quickly, cover a large space at once, see several goals, as well as points at which they can be “intertwined” and save precious time. They don't need to stress. Intuition will always “whisper” when the right moment comes. And while someone laments: “Why didn’t I think of that! “They are already celebrating their victory and enjoying the next bonus. How do they do it? Let's take a look. Imagine that you are planning: 1. Go somewhere on vacation; 2. Sign up for a fitness club; 3.Learn to roller skate. At first glance, these goals have nothing in common. And now, for clarity, let’s break down each of them step by step. To go somewhere on vacation, look for the necessary information on the Internet, ask your friends to share their experience. Next will be the process of purchasing tickets, completing documents and preparing for your vacation by visiting the appropriate stores. As for the fitness club, you will also go through searching for a suitable address on the Internet and, most likely, seek advice from the same friends, then go to the store to buy sports items. To start roller skating, you will first go deeper into the Internet and look for information about the most popular brands, perhaps talk to those who already have experience, then you will also find a store and purchase the necessary equipment. We have somewhat simplified the step-by-step description, but rather In total, you have already guessed what exactly can be “woven” in one step. For example, you will save a lot of time if you search the Internet for information on organizing a vacation, signing up for a fitness club, and buying excellent roller skates in one go. The same applies to going to the store. In our example, we looked at the intertwining of goals as if in slow motion. For successful people, the connection between one thing and another occurs at lightning speed. To be considered a successful person, you don’t have to be “born in the dark,” but the habit of intertwining your goals is clearly not superfluous. In one step you will cover several goals, save time, effort, energy, unite with your intuition and feel your limitless possibilities. If you are happy with this prospect, then take a piece of paper, a pen and start training.1. Expand the sheet horizontally. It is desirable that it be no smaller than A4 format. Divide it into 4-5 columns.2. Think about what goals you would like to achieve in the next 1-3 weeks. In the future, you yourself will determine what period will be optimal for you.3. At the top of each column, draw your goal in the form of an icon (icon). Let it be a simple but clear image for you. Note! Need to draw! Thus, you accustom yourself to internal images-symbols. Pictures will help you establish a relationship with your intuition. In the future, this will allow you to easily perceive and transmit signals from within.4. Under each goal, also in the form of small simple drawings, depict intermediate steps to achieve it. Remember, your drawings (icons) should be simple and understandable. Thus, in each column under the picture with the goal you will have several more icons. Based on their similarity, you will immediately determine which actions can be combined. When performing this/