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From the author: Your physiological needs are not always behind bad habits that form addictions. In this article, bad habits are considered as false attributes of the life that you would like to have. Europeans, having arrived in America, saw how shamans used tobacco, trying to give their image mystery and mysticism, as well as for ritual purposes. Someone very smart realized that you could make good money from this. As soon as tobacco was brought to Europe, it was considered a panacea for many diseases. Doctors prescribed it to their patients, falsely believing that smoking would have a beneficial effect on the body. Doctors even prescribed smoke enemas to their patients. To a modern person this seems funny. Don’t you think it’s funny that inhaling smoke will somehow help you? Peter was the first supporter of European orders and brought tobacco to Russia. We inherited the habit of smoking from our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, and fathers, but it is everyone’s choice - whether to accept the negative example of their ancestors or follow their positive character traits. Smoking has both physiological and psychological dependence. If you can get rid of physiological dependence, then it is much more difficult to get rid of psychological dependence. In this article I will analyze psychological addiction. Smoking has many “secondary benefits” that are individual for each person. Secondary benefits are the unconscious benefits that certain bad habits bring. Perhaps you have the opportunity to take a break from work by going out for a smoke break. Behind it is your need for rest. Perhaps you are afraid to admit to your superiors that you need to switch gears and rest a little, at least 15 minutes every 2 hours. You think that it will calm you down and with the help of smoking your needs for relaxation and tranquility are satisfied. Secondary benefits must be recognized and finally replaced with adequate ways to achieve the desired result. You've probably tried to quit smoking many times, but you didn't succeed. Because the secondary benefits were not identified by you (or identified, but not all), realized and accordingly replaced by adequate ways to get what you want. New adequate ways to achieve results need to be built into your life without smoking. Since the advent of cinema, tobacco and alcohol dealers have been actively promoting their products. Directors were paid for showing certain brands of alcohol and tobacco in the film. The latest Indiana Jones film advertises 68 brands, with alcohol and tobacco prominently featured. The comprehensive imposition of these bad habits has led to the fact that this has become considered the norm of life. But we pay too much for this standard. Human civilization is evolving and people have reached a certain level of understanding to make their own decisions about what is important to them and what is not important. The only ones who benefit from tobacco and alcohol are the producers. If you are ready to support “tobacco monsters” and their families at the cost of your health, falling into “tobacco slavery” with them, then this is your choice. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of bad habits and change your life, you need to do this now. The price of this whim is too high. While you hesitate, your health, finances and your life suffer. By demonstrating bad habits, you pass them on to your children and grandchildren, so not only your life, but also the genetic health of your descendants depends on your choice, since smoking and alcohol affect not only health¸ but also genetics. As secondary benefits Your physiological needs are not always met. Smoking and alcohol are perceived by many people as an attribute of success, but they are not. A person sees on TV how rich people smoke. The false impression is created that the characters in the film are given strength and the ability to succeed by the habit of smoking and drinking. Therefore, an ordinary person after a hard day, drinking whiskey and?