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Let's talk today about one of the most important enemies of material well-being - debts and loans. Let's talk about the psychological, internal reasons for the occurrence of debts and loans in a person's life. Of course, there is a category of relatively “good” and successful loans - these are loans taken for business development and generating additional income. Or for the purchase of real estate, which grows in value faster than the interest on the loan. And in this case you also benefit. That is, the key to defining “good” loans is that they contribute to the growth of your well-being. But, unfortunately, most loans and debts are classified as “unfavorable”. That is, they do not lead to the development and improvement of your life and material wealth. They seem to lie like an unbearable load, drawing out the last juices. And today we will look at the internal, psychological reasons for the appearance of loans and debts in our lives. To understand the psychological reasons for what is happening to us in real life, you need to look at reality from the outside, like a movie or a story, where all the participants in what is happening are parts of you, your subpersonalities. Your inner figures. Between them a certain scenario is played out. It is not always pleasant and desirable for you, as the main character of this story. If we look at the issue of debts and loans from this position, we will see the following. When we take out a loan or debt, we take on a certain role, position. This is the position of the Debtor: I must / must. BUT. The debtor cannot exist on his own. A second figure is needed - the one to whom it is owed, the Creditor. In real life, this role can be played by the bank where you took out the loan. Another person who lent you a loan, etc. But before the Lender appeared in your real life, he must have been inside you. After all, we remember the basic rule: all events, people and circumstances that arise in our real lives have their analogue and root cause in our inner space. And as a rule, what we “don’t see” in ourselves, we don’t accept - we project it, transfer it to other people. Or to non-living objects (in our case, banks and other financial institutions). And in case of problems with loans and debts, the following happens. A person consciously takes on the role of a Debtor. And he projects his inner Creditor onto someone or something in the outside world. That is, the role of the Creditor is not accepted, suppressed. What is the role of the Creditor? Essentially in the position: you owe me. And the first step towards exiting the scenario Debtor-Creditor is the conscious permission to show the position of a Creditor in relation to others: “you owe me.” Manifest it where it is appropriate and adequate. For example, an employer must pay you a salary. The client must pay for the services provided. A motorist must let you pass if you are crossing the street in the correct place. Subordinates must follow your instructions. Children must follow the established order in the family. The husband/wife must fulfill their obligations and agreements, etc. In fact, there are quite a lot of adequate and appropriate “shoulds” in our lives. It is impossible to imagine a normal life in society without them. If you are now faced with the issue of debts and loans in your life, I recommend that you make a list of who owes you what (not only in terms of money) in all areas of life. And, what is very important, observe what feelings and thoughts will come at the time of compiling this list. Also think about who and what you think you owe (should do, say, give, behave in a certain way, etc. .).Do you really owe all of the above? And then learn to allow yourself to demand from others what they rightfully owe you. This will gradually equalize the balance of “I owe” - “I am owed” in your life. And over time, this will certainly be reflected in the situation with debts. For example, I worked in this way with a client who simply had an unaffordable loan