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From the author: If you feel that you are falling short in creative self-expression, you need to liberate your creative part. How? Untie her hands, remove the shackles from her legs, remove the gag from her mouth, remove the bag from her head, help her open her eyes, clean her ears, warm her with the warmth of an embrace. Heavy shackles will fall... (A.S. Pushkin) At the client constellation group at the OLVIA center on Wednesday, they composed another exercise. We present it to your attention. Liberation of the creative part The exercise is carried out in threes. If you feel that you are falling short somewhere in this creative self-expression, you need to do something, go to this part and liberate it. How? Untie her hands, remove the shackles from her legs, remove the gag from her mouth, remove the bag from her head, help her open her eyes, clean her ears, warm her with the warmth of an embrace. In other words, the visualization of saving your creative part can be at your discretion. I suggest working in threes and there the situation will most likely be like this. Figures are appointed and speak out: 1) The client is the leader in the three. He will get something useful for himself from the exercise. 2) Deputy “Creative part of the client”. This figure, after being appointed, can turn into a child of a certain age, or it can turn into an adult. When the substitute enters this role, he gives the client feedback on how he feels, senses and other messages from the role image. Tell the client what type of enslavement this figure has, what torments her, what limits, constrains and suppresses her. 3) Deputy “The one who imposed certain boundaries on the client.” As a rule, such a figure turns into a parent, grandfather or grandmother, a kindergarten teacher, a teacher at school, a boss at work, a sergeant in the army. Be prepared, anyone and anything could be in this role. It may turn out that this is television, radio and our entire culture. When you nominate, say so: “You are what limits my creative part.” After the appointment, the deputy gets into the role and tells the client: “Yes, I’m most likely (grandmother) ...” And describe the sensations from the image... After receiving feedback from the figures, the client begins the process of emancipation (Abolition of serfdom in a particular destiny). He does this in the imagination, or you can accompany this with active bodily reinforcement (gestures, movements, sounds, breathing rhythm, gaze, etc.) It is your right to choose the most suitable and appropriate form of work. It is important to do this without violence, carefully, paying attention to feedback from the figures in the process of work. The resource of liberation and emancipation must be given to the creative part, and responsibility for this enslavement must be given to adults. But, this is very important, this procedure cannot be turned into a trial for adults. They must be justified in one form or another: “You did not have a psychological education. You didn’t know, you didn’t know how, you wanted the best! You probably had good intentions - to ensure the safety and comfort of yourself or me! " This is very important, do not condemn, do not brand, do not peck the “guilty”! After completing this stage of work, it is necessary to integrate with the “liberated creative part”. As soon as this part feels liberated, begins to flow with positive emotions, demonstrate clear signs of freedom, you need to integrate with this figure. Bodily reinforcement of integration can be anything: a handshake, “hugs,” the figure’s hand on the client’s back. You can limit yourself to simple visualization... ***Feedback from the participants of the exercise in the first person: Everything works. I saw my creative side. I felt a creative state. I managed to talk. Once again I saw that the creative part is held back by something that simply lives in my head, and not some real chains. I didn’t have to saturate the childish part with resources at all. I connected it with the reason for the restrictions and that’s it. Why separate polarities when you can unite them. This turned out to be the shortest way. You can focus on the problem with 90% of your energy.2266880